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Update on Tune

Dearest friends, thank you so much for the prayers for Petunia’s surgery today.  The surgery went well, the doctor thinks she was able to remove all of the growth.  Tune has a four-inch scar up her belly but seems to be doing okay. Now we wait.  The biopsy results could come in as early as Wednesday or in a week’s time.  Sigh. In the meantime she’ll continue to be doted upon in the manner to which she has become accustomed.

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9 Responses

  1. Just visited and add my prayers for Tune that she will have a complete and good recovery and that there will be no reoccurance. Our dogs are so much a part of our hearts and lives and we ache to see them hurt or suffer. Thanks for letting us know how she’s doing.

  2. This is great news. Continued prayers for more good news on the results…and peace for you as you wait.

    Doting is one of the best medicines, for the doter as well as the dotee.

  3. A lot of long-distance doting is going on as well, and as promised the Abbess had lots of prayers at the Abbey this last weekend. xx