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Category: Photos


Women who journeyed before me

    I thought some of you might be interested to see the original photos I cropped to make the art piece for Monday’s Poetry Party.  The woman on the top was my paternal grandmother Erika who died when I was one year old.  The middle woman I actually don’t know, I found her photo among the others and loved the way she was looking at the camera.  She is connected to my family in some way, but it is still a mystery.  The woman in the bottom photo was my great grandmother, Erika’s mother Ernestine, but she went by Erna.  Erika and

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Yesterday morning I awoke at my hermitage and stood in the kitchen to make some breakfast with my back to the window.  I eventually turned around and saw a small rainbow across the waters of the Hood Canal over the Olympics.  Leaving behind my food, I grabbed my camera and hurried down the steps to the beach. One of the readings last Sunday from the Christian lectionary is from the letter St. Paul wrote to the Romans.  This line has been lingering with me the last couple of days: “You know the time; it is the hour now for you to awake

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Snowy Wonder

Yesterday afternoon it began to snow here in Seattle, a fairly unusual occurrence. I had headed off to an art class, but after less than two hours the students kept looking outside and the snow was falling heavy and beginning to pile.  So we all chose to cut our time short so we could drive home before the roads got any worse.  There were a couple of stops on my way home where I was at a stoplight facing downhill and I could see that my car was sliding slowly forward.  As soon as I got home my husband, Tune,

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Frozen Earth

Remember to come back on Monday for our next Poetry Party!     (Leaves discovered on the ground outside my hermitage this morning.) May your weekend bring you the still gifts of winter’s release and rest. -Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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Cusp of Winter

  11 a.m. late November shadows    (photos from a late autumn walk through my Capitol Hill neighborhood in Seattle) -Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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