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BIBOLOVE InterPlay Experience + Prayer Cycle Day 5 ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dear monks, artists, and pilgrims, 

Today we release Day 5 of our Love of Thousands prayer cycle. Click the links above for morning and evening prayer on the themes of the Grieving Our Losses and Ancestral Pilgrimage.

This Friday we are offering a BIBOLOVE InterPlay Experience, led by Soyinka Rahim. Soyinka will invite us into a powerful space of amplifying love in the world through meditation, affirmation, visualization, and gentle movement.

Here is an introduction to the experience from Soyinka.

peace ,love, joy, happiness, health, grace, and ease people of the world

My name is Soyinka Rahim, GSP.  I’m a Grassroots Spiritual Practitioner,
I am inviting you into a BIBOLOVE.Us practice

BIBOLOVE means “Breathe in, Breathe out LOVE.” We are vessels for love’s breath.
We are love, created by love, to create love, honoring SPIRITLOVE that moves through and around us and all things all the time. Knowing and believing we are love ignites a Supremelove that allows us to love and be loved.

In a moment of my depression, I did not want to live this life, and I asked SPIRITLOVE for a lifeline. Mama said God is a three-letter word for Love.
I asked SPIRITLOVE to give me something to live for, which then I was given: “BIBOLOVE, Soyinka. Breathe in love, Soyinka. Breathe out love, Soyinka.”

I enjoy sharing my gifts as a facilitator of Love in various settings including,
One-on-ones for spiritual direction
Family reunions for intergenerational interactive play
Openings and closings of small and large organizational meetings
Conferences – as weaver, weaving BIBOLOVE practices

I love to create and lead Affirmation Movement Meditations – for individual bodies and the collective body – celebrating SPIRITLOVE that connects all hearts and souls to A LOVESUPREME.

I love finding colorful ways to communicate my message. Four hearts – blue, red, green, and yellow – 💙❤️💚💛 is another way to write BIBO.  Add four more red hearts – and you have BIBOLOVE.  

💙 Blue heart – Our breath
❤️ Red heart – Our selflove
💚 Green heart – Our earth
💛 Gold heart – Our highest frequency, which is A SUPREMELOVE.
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Our heart and soul connections.

I love traveling nationally and internationally, leading what I call BIBOLOVE.Us (.Us represents us!)
I lead –
Collective Breaths
Affirmation Movement Meditations
Reminders that we are the love we are waiting for.

We are all creative beings, artists of the world, breathing, talking, singing, walking, moving, dancing, directing our callings, having spiritual experiences in bodies, sharing our stories. We’re all created by the creator to create.
When we shine our lights of love, we see that we are all gifts of love.
An Affirmation Movement Meditation
I share:
“I’m a gift,
you’re a gift.
Together we create melodies with harmonies.
We’re making peace for the world to see.
When people experience the BIBOLOVE.Us Affirmation Movement Meditations, we are all reminded that we are one in divine order.
I am really excited to celebrate our heart and soul connection to A LOVESUPREME with Abbey of the Arts in November’s retreat.  Come PPP – Pray, Play, and Part-ay with your BIBOLOVE practitioner!  

Read the rest of Soyinka’s reflection and poem about BIBOLOVE.Us

Please join us Friday for a BIBOLOVE InterPlay Experience. We are also delighted to be hosting our monthly Centering Prayer session with Therese Taylor-Stinson on Wednesday. 

With great and growing love,


Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE

Image © Soyinka Rahim

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