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Prayer Cycle Day 7 Morning and Evening Prayer ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims,

We conclude our release of the Birthing the Holy Prayer Cycle with an excerpt from Day 7 Evening Prayer honoring Mary, as Mirror of Justice. The video above is for the beautiful song Magnificat which we commissioned from our dear friend Simon de Voil. He created such a moving sung prayer. You are invited to pray with it in the audio podcast of the Prayer Cycle or with the images in the video above. Let this be a time of meditation on Mary’s desire and longing for justice in the world and how we might be empowered by her. 

We share the opening prayer and closing blessing from this prayer service to inspire you to connect with Mary as the Mirror of Justice, welcoming in the wisdom she has to offer to you this day. 

Opening Prayer

Mirror of Justice, you lift up all those on the margins; reflect the justice of Christ who redistributes power structures and gives amplification to the most vulnerable. You call us to solidarity with those who are in need and to remember that our own liberation is intimately entwined with the liberation of the whole human community and the whole natural world. With cries of lament for this hurting world we ask you, Mary, that in the midst of our holy birthing we too can be midwives of a new vision and new way of being that allows all beings to be nourished and to thrive.

Closing Blessing:

Holy Mary, Mirror of Justice,
you reflect back to us what is possible
in a world of corruption and suffering.
You hold the vision of a new creation,
your very being magnifies the Divine
and reveals a pathway of justice
where each person and being
is well nourished and loved.
Where everyone has more than enough,
an abundance for flourishing.
Where each one is cherished
for exactly who they are.
You call on us to care for those
who dwell on the edges,
to bring them to the center of our care.
You empower us to resist violence
in all its forms and to shower
this world with care and kindness.

You can listen to the audio podcasts for Day 7 Morning and Evening Prayer here. Morning Prayer honours Madonna Protectress.

I invite you to read a reflection celebrating the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere or the Winter Solstice in the Summer Hemisphere. 

Join Melinda this Thursday for a yoga class fostering community.

With great and growing love,


Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE

Opening Prayer written by Christine Valters Paintner, arranged by Melinda Thomas

Closing Blessing written by Christine Valters Paintner from Birthing the Holy: Wisdom from Mary to Nurture Creativity and  Renewal used with permission from Ave Maria Press

Video © Abbey of the Arts and Morgan Creative

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