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Monk in the World: Sabbath 5 – Suggestions for Practice ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims,

During this Jubilee year of sabbatical we are revisiting our Monk Manifesto by moving slowly through the Monk in the World retreat materials together every Sunday. Each week will offer new reflections on the theme and every six weeks will introduce a new principle.

Principle 6: I commit to rhythms of rest and renewal through the regular practice of Sabbath and resist a culture of busyness that measures my worth by what I do.

Suggestions for Practice

See if you can block out one day in the coming week for honoring Sabbath and renewing your spirit.  If not a day, then begin with a few hours.  Enter into this time with intention, setting aside work and worry and allowing yourself time for silence, play, and friendship.  Consider creating a small ritual for beginning and ending to honor your Sabbath time – perhaps lighting a special candle, saying a blessing, and offering a gesture of receiving the gifts ahead.

With great and growing love,


Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE

Photo © Christine Valters Paintner

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