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Monk in the World: Community 6 – Reflection Questions and Blessing ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims,

During this Jubilee year of sabbatical we are revisiting our Monk Manifesto by moving slowly through the Monk in the World retreat materials together every Sunday. Each week will offer new reflections on the theme and every six weeks will introduce a new principle.

Principle Three: I commit to cultivating community by finding kindred spirits along the path, soul friends with whom I can share my deepest longings, and mentors who can offer guidance and wisdom for the journey.

Questions for Reflection 

Where in your life do you experience a genuine sense of community or soul friendship already?

When you slow down and listen to your longings for spiritual companionship, what are some of the qualities which rise up as essential?

Closing Blessing from Christine

God of friendship
we come to know you through the
grace of one another.
Weave us together with kindred spirits,
knit us more closely with friends of the soul,
gather us into your great wide heart,
so we might discover the One in many,
and the many in One.

With great and growing love,


Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE

Photo © Christine Valters Paintner

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