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Dreaming of the Sea: A Women’s Discernment Journey through the Story of the Selkie

January 9-April 11, 2017 (with group spiritual direction on Thursdays)
with Christine Valters Paintner, PhD (limited to 12 participants)

selkie-polly-burns-webStories offer us a map of transformation. We step inside their dream space. We are invited to release our thinking and striving minds, to surrender to a wisdom that is far deeper and more expansive. They call forth new archetypal energies within us that have been hidden and forgotten.

In the ancient Celtic stories Selkies are shapeshifters, they move between worlds. They are women who take the form of a seal when in the sea and human form on land. These stories appear across Ireland, Scotland, and the Faroes. When the Selkie comes ashore, she takes off her skin, and if this skin is captured by a human, she is forced to stay on land. We will be exploring the story of the Selkie as an archetype of our own journey of transformation.

This is an online journey with small group spiritual direction facilitated by Christine.

For details and session dates/times click here>>

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