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The Soul of a Pilgrim Summer Blog Book Tour

book-tour-buttonThis summer I am on a blog book tour to share more about my newest book The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within .

This week I am being interviewed by Sibyl Dana Reynolds at Sacred Life Arts:

SLA: “Beginning again is essential.” Returning to those things that feed the soul…art-making, meditation, etc. Can you suggest some ways to become unstuck to begin to reconnect to one’s source of inspiration and spiritual center?

CVP: It may seem counter-intuitive, but for me one of the best ways to get unstuck is to stop trying so hard. We often feel “blocked” and then judge and resist the feeling, getting us even more stuck. Going for a long walk, preferably in nature, whether a city park, in a forest, or along a shoreline, does wonders for the creative juices.

Continue reading the interview at this link>> 

The Soul of a Pilgrim is also the featured book this month at Lacy Ellman’s website A Sacred Journey. She has written a lovely intro and invites others to share their insights from the book.

Click here to join the conversation>>

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