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Invitation to Poetry: Sacred Ordinary

anneclaire leroyer - adirondack

Welcome to Poetry Party #78!

button-poetryI select an image (the photo above is by fellow dancing monk Anneclaire LeRoyer) and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your own poem. Scroll down and add it in the comments section below or join our Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group and post there.

Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party!  (If you repost the photo, please make sure to include the credit link below it and link back to this post inviting others to join us).

We began this month with a  Community Visio Divina practice with the latest dancing monk icon of St. Francis of Assisi and followed up with our Photo Party on the theme of the “sacred ordinary.” (You are most welcome to still participate).  We continue this theme in our Poetry Party this month. How might you bring reverence to an ordinary moment of your day through the gift of poem-writing? How might you see the sacred in the mundane?

You can post your poem either in the comment section below*or you can join our Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group (with more than 1800 members!) and post there.

*Note: If this is your first time posting, or includes a link, your comment will need to be moderated before it appears. This is to prevent spam and should be approved within 24 hours.

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Elaine Breckenridge

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Elaine Breckenridge’s reflection on connection with the wisdom of her body, nature, and the healing presence within. In 2015, I took my

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18 Responses

  1. you think of hildegard of bingen

    when you walk on leaf-cushioned paths
    a thousand shades of green dappled

    in a blue-gum-cathedral shower of beams
    in early morning mist luminously

    a conduit between heaven and earth
    you the conduit sparked to cosmic fire

    when dew drops at the end of every twig
    and mercurially dancing along leaves glint

    listening to breath of trees as wind
    rises a chant with magpies’ gleeful chortle

    their music notes scribbled on shedding bark
    remind you to let go of things that no longer serve

    when earth in harmony with you is healing
    and you sense its frisson of joy ripple the air

    with beauty born from the womb moist with creation
    a newborn secret in darkness

    from the travail of labour and death
    like an unfurling fern frond’s yes to life

    when the fiery rays from the cauldron of the sun
    become you and your hands the invisible massage of light

    allowing the delicate tracery of grasses
    against sky to evoke wonder

    with reverence to the one in sapphire blue
    know mystery is always mystery

    colleen keating

  2. Om Eim
    Divine Masculine
    Divine Feminine
    Still pool
    Singing trees
    August Rush
    Playful squirrels
    Sunflower seeds
    Draw me
    I will follow
    Eternity’s Bright
    Glow beckons
    It is S/He!
    Alleluia, alleluia

  3. I wonder why I can’t partake of the essence of movement that is the pond’s ripple…
    Lifelines from winter’s term…fallen…deaden…renewal canceled…
    No notice that the term is written… Closed for the season
    So, I wonder will I ever swim again?

  4. First Water

    Chair of common cedars recline in sapphire light
    Relaxing at simple field’s-malachite/jaded edge
    Obsidian catfish and amber pollywog muse
    Drift before Day’s gentle diamond breath
    Toes licked/tickled by lapis ripples
    Frolic precious little creatures
    Reflect/shimmering gold
    Priceless pearl play
    Crystal clear

  5. A spot of grace
    two chairs for the taking
    decisions to be made
    cries to be heard
    laughter to soar
    peace to be found
    thanks to be given
    rest to receive
    everlasting love

  6. Now is the time for frolicking
    Rest is waiting for the days of slow heat that summer will surely bring
    Jump up, hop and dance
    Don’t wait
    The freshness and quiet of this season
    Slowly slips away
    Don’t rest too soon
    That time will come
    For now
    Find a friend
    Let the grass tickle your toes
    Feel the life within each blade
    Leap, fly, imagine, do all that you can
    Find a friend and frolic

  7. Summer’s invite
    Go slowly
    Do nothing
    Honor the pullings
    Breathe deeply
    Summer’s heart prayer

  8. My gaze from this wooden perch beckons me
    to see with different eyes.

    Looking forward – into the glistening water,
    peaceful and calm – centered, serene, the
    landing place of the elder.

    Behind me, the chatter and
    raucous energy of life-in-the-making
    pulls my attention.

    But here I sit in the middle
    betwixt and between,
    breathing in both aspects
    of my one same life.

  9. Waiting chairs
    Open water
    Early trees.
    Safety and peace in this promised land.
    Resting at end of day
    in Glorious Creation.