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Invitation to Poetry: Softening and Yielding

Claudia Gregoire

Welcome to Poetry Party #71!

button-poetryI select an image (*photo above by fellow monk in the world Claudia Gregoire) and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your own poem. Scroll down and add it in the comments section below or join our Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group and post there.

Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party!  (If you repost the photo, please make sure to include the credit link below it and link back to this post inviting others to join us).

We began this month with a Community Lectio Divina practice and followed up with our Photo Party on the theme of “Softening and Yielding.” (You are most welcome to still participate).  We continue this theme in our Poetry Party this month.

Here in the northern hemisphere it is autumn which calls us into the journey of surrender, release, and radical yielding of our own agendas, into the holy direction of letting our grasp soften and open and be spacious, welcoming in whatever comes.

You can post your poem either in the comment section below*or you can join our Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group (with over 700 members!) and post there.

*Note: If this is your first time posting, or includes a link, your comment will need to be moderated before it appears. This is to prevent spam and should be approved within 24 hours.

You can see the fall calendar of invitations here>>

*Photo by Claudia Gregoire

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41 Responses

  1. I think I am still home
    by those I know

    But the familiar colors
    are only a reflection
    of those who still hold
    to the old life

    I have fallen
    from the old
    into the new

    There is no way
    to return even
    if I desired it

    I surrender and
    let the current take me

  2. My poem called ‘listen’ is about the softening and yielding of autumn as I listened to its sounds here in Sydney Australia last season.

    1. listen

      bowed trees sleep
      tresses crunch at their feet
      hound of wind moans
      rhyme with rustle tones
      come closer
      snick on grass
      wake of bird
      seed on wing
      leaf brush on air
      crack and rustle of skink
      in their leaf litter rush of hide-and-seek
      frog-plonk in pond
      snap of seed-pod
      kerplop of fruit and berry
      and in the underworld
      rub of beetle and ant

      the only other sound’s the easy drift
      of vesper leaves
      to a hush

      this seasonal paradigm
      whispers its arrival
      no fuss
      except it’s time

      colleen keating

  3. Longing to be a leaf
    Bursting into colour
    Becoming flame

    Before ever so gently
    Letting go of the grip
    That binds me to the root

    Drifting gently
    Trusting the new dance
    That will carry me to an unknown place

    Only to begin anew
    Only to belong to all

  4. On the mirror of the waters
    I kiss the
    reflection of sky,
    the reflection
    of my yellow sisters
    who are still holding onto
    their old place,
    their old ways

    theirs is the place
    I wanted to stay,
    the place I am thankful
    to have left

    I was made to let go

    Frightened by the thought of change
    I held on with a stiff and brittle grip

    Death had long since
    taken my glossy green,
    and dressed me in gold

    Then it made me let go
    though I would have rather held on

    Even though my time had come
    even though my hold was weak
    even though the wind whispered, “let go”

    I would have rather held on
    And I tried

    But gravity pulled
    the wind pushed
    down, down, down

    I fell
    My fear turned into flight
    I floated
    gently on the wind

    On blue waters of inky sky
    I kiss the reflection
    of Divinity,
    held in soft embrace
    my golden robes shimmer
    in blue repose

    let go
    be free

    I whisper to my sisters
    As I drink in the wonder
    Of this sweet release

  5. Life as the Seasons move

    Dappled water draw me in,
    at the same time cold and warm.
    My life/leaf a little brown round my edges from age .
    Brown spotted body where once was fresh and young.

    Once I knew the floating free feeling as the water drew me along
    when I was so young and green.
    Now my older self is a deeper, freer self merged with life and community.

    Touched by winds both cool and warm now yeilding to the love poem of God’s creation.

    Less ready to judge more softened and tender
    some passages of time while they have taken their toll tell me smile , cry ,laugh, live and love,
    look back on yourself and others with gentleness and forgveness.

    Many people cross my path both young and old all with a message to tell.
    Some with physical presence and others by words and ideals. Each fresh story is another gift from God . All enrich me and show how to love & live. Friends pass on the wisdom seen through the great writers and thinkers.
    Many a gift comes through my inbox I see I can learn as I read and listen.

    Grateful for all the gentle turning of the seasons. I want to thank both all the people that touch my life in their presence and also those who do not know me but still leave their mark with all the contribute to our world.

  6. I am greatly enjoying all the poems in this month’s party and they got me to thinking about what I yield to. I began to realize I often yield to things because they make things easier, quicker, less effort or without thought…my poem took a darker twist….

  7. Autumn Barge

    the leaf bid farewell to its friend the tree and goodbye to its friend blue sky
    then lightly landed on the blue of the water surface like an open hand,
    whispering hello new friend
    new blue friend
    now ready to set sail!
    all aboard stray ladybugs and water beetles
    Autumn is not an ending
    a new journey invites
    wet and floating instead of dry and wind waving
    time for a change

  8. Fire of Practice Water of Yielding Haiku

    watch leaf surrender
    imagine that world as yours
    live resurrecting

    in an instant choice
    in a season there is change
    in a life desire

    choose new each moment
    practice change in each season
    yield desire and thrive

    1. re-dux

      Fire of Practice Water of Yielding Haiku

      watch leaf surrender
      imagine the possible
      life resurrecting

      in each instant choice
      in each season change invites
      in each life desire

      choose new each moment
      practice change in due season
      yield thriving desire

      gather what appears
      garnish gifts with flavoring
      relinquish with ease

      watch leaf surrender
      imagine the possible
      life resurrecting

  9. The leaf floats
    In Van Gogh waters
    Of shimmering beauty
    Carried on bouyant energy
    Of ripples and bumps and splashes

    So may autumn be for me
    Down the mountain
    As a leaf in the stream
    Leaving the gathering of women
    And the movement heavenward

    In the starry gaze of Tahquitz
    Yield to the Maker of the Beautiful
    The vision of Love-Light
    Enfolds your streaming journey
    Trust its ebb and flow
    To bring you to your Source.

  10. This small craft
    sans compass or sail
    moved by earth’s breath, inspired, respired
    floats from dark shadows
    through dappled light.

    This small leaf
    from eddy to whorl
    blown on its way
    towards blue skies.

    This small heart
    borne on the water, wine, blood,
    moved by spirit
    floats from dark dappling
    into blue light.