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Invitation to Poetry: Give Me a Word 2013

Welcome to the Abbey’s 64th Poetry Party!

We are making a little departure this month from our usual format where I select an image for you to illuminate with your words.

This month the invitation is to write a poem inspired by your word for the year (and even though that drawing is over, you are still welcome to post your word there – and if you already shared a poem there, please share it again here to have them all gathered together).

I will suggest you make it an acrostic poem which is where each letter of your word forms the first letter of a line of your poem, but all poetic forms are most welcome here.  Consider writing a blessing for the year ahead inspired by your word.

Scroll down and add it in the comments section below to share it with the Abbey community. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party!

On Friday, February 1st I will draw a name at random to win a space in the upcoming online Lenten retreat with St. Hildegard of Bingen.

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I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Kathleen Bolduc’s reflection Unplugged. As a spiritual director and retreat leader, I love to guide retreatants in unplugging from technology and plugging

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199 Responses

  1. May our world, in compassion and grace, CREATE opportunities to heal through Divine inspiration and creative expression during 2013.

    Crinkle awake divine spirit
    Ready to reflect and reveal
    Enough…we are enough.
    Allowing Divine love
    To illuminate
    Everything…everyone…every being.

    Blessings 2013

  2. It’s taken me most of the month to decide on my word – but for me, the key to everything seems to be HERE – as in be HERE, NOW…

    Heaven is all around me, in every moment
    Even in the hard times, there is always a lesson
    Right here, right now, if I pay attention
    Easy to say, but hard to live – Lord, give me strength!

  3. My “word” for the year is Be Not Afraid. So hear is my poem.

    The Sacrament of Interruption

    My fear
    is not of pain or death
    but of inconvenience

    I understand why the angels cry
    when they appear on earth
    we who see them
    will have to stop what we are doing
    what we have planned
    but we will meet God

    I need a gaurdian angel
    to whisper
    “be not afriad”
    when a cowoker needs to talk
    or the baby wants to cuddle
    an angel to remind me
    “you need to stop your work and worry
    and find the one thing necessary”

  4. My word is Silence

    What is the sound of silence?
    That echoes in my soul
    Is it a place that I’ve gone whence?

    To seek some paltry recompense
    and oft evasive goal
    What is the sound of silence?

    Perhaps a prayer of penitence
    lest I acrue some ancient toll
    Is it a place that I’ve gone whence?

    That garners pure obedience
    and seeks completion to a whole
    What is the sound of silence?

    Mayhaps a prayer of reticence
    uncertainty directs the role
    Is it a place that I’ve gone whence?

    And yet a challenge given hence
    solemnity it’s heights extoll
    What is the sound of silence?
    Is it a place that I’ve gone whence?

  5. Discernment

    Dearest Heart
    In search of Your
    Simple truths
    Calling me
    Enter again, Beloved.
    Regaining my purpose
    Noticing distractions
    Mindful thoughts
    Evolve into peace
    Now is all there is
    Truly, My Dear Heart


    Relinquishing that which no longer brings life
    Emptying out the stuffed coffers of ‘shoulds’ and ‘oughts’
    Letting go of the good in favour of the truly authentic
    Exiting graciously, gently, no need to hurry
    Allowing attachment to unhook itself deep within
    Savouring this time and the space it gives me
    Entering a newly expansive place of inner freedom as I continue this journey of transformation with my God.

  7. TRUST

    Time floods me with choices about this, THAT, now, WHEN?!

    Reminders surround me, reminders I have constructed: what is now, in this moment?

    Urging me to stop, breathe, call to God — thank you, help me —

    Surrender is a choice, but sometimes feels like giving up, giving in, confusion.

    Trust is opening my heart to God, to the deep yearning of union, letting go of thoughts, letting God embrace me, guide me in God’s way.