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Guest post from Kayce Hughlett (Live it to Give it facilitator)

I am delighted to feature a guest post today from Kayce S. Hughlett, one of my fabulous teaching partners, and the facilitator of the upcoming Soul Care Institute class Live it to Give it: Essential Practices of Self-Care and Soul Nourishment (November 5-December 14, 2012), as well as co-teacher with Betsey Beckman of the LIVE SCI intensive Body Wisdom for Soul Care Practitoners (December 3-6, 2012 in the beautiful Pacific NW):

There is a simple yet powerful question I pose to participants at the beginning (and throughout) each Live it to Give it class. What do you need right now? Upon asking the question, we begin to engage our internal non-judgmental witness and listen deeply while closely observing. What do I really need?

The question itself can stir up all sorts of thoughts and responses. That’s selfish. I’m selfish. I can’t do that. What if…? Throughout the coursework, we experience what it is to pay attention to those additional questions and practice ways of discernment in order to arrive at a place of peace where we are able to offer the very best of ourselves to the world.

Wise ones say we teach what we need to learn. For me, it’s much preferable over the statement: “Those who can DO. Those who can’t TEACH.” I want it all! To be able to “do” and “teach,” but most importantly to recognize and acknowledge how to “be” in this world. How about you? What do you need? How will you be?

Originally my all-time favorite class, Live it to Give it: Essential Practices of Soul Nourishment and Self Care was scheduled to begin October 1. This timing arose more out of habit (that’s when we did it last year, there are fewer schedule conflicts, etc.) rather than deep listening (what do I need, where is my spirit calling me). While I have been (and continue to be) extremely excited about offering this class for the third time, I noticed that as the date has approached I’ve felt an odd resistance and registration has been slower than previous times. As I prepared to write this post for the Abbey, my words didn’t flow, my body felt slightly lethargic, and in quiet moments of stillness I knew something was askew. Saturday, after hours of wrestling with myself, I asked the question, What do I need? In that moment, I knew I needed a witness—someone to bounce my spinning thoughts off of, because conversing with myself wasn’t working. (You can read more about that process here.)

I don’t know about you, but it’s easy for me to get stuck in regular patterns of spiritual care (meditate, journal, read my favorite inspirational author) and forget there could be other ways of discovery (call a friend, take a walk, unearth a new or old teacher). I’m personally grateful when I remember (and listen) to those internal prompts pointing toward movement.

Long story short, I ultimately realized that October 1 isn’t the perfect start date for Live it to Give it. My heart doesn’t sing and my spirit says there’s a better time. Additional preparation time is needed for me, for you, for more of what I do not know. Right now the Pacific Northwest is glistening with all its earthly abundance. In this season, I am being challenged to make this change and, like a solar panel, to store up and prepare for future days. Bottom line… I am being called to live what I give: Compassion. Self-care. Soul Nourishment.

I am grateful for the courage to listen for what I need and then offer the best of what I have back to YOU! My heart breaks into song as I announce the NEW beginning date of November 5 for Live it to Give it. This beautiful timing will allow us to sink into this current season and then mindfully prepare for a time of generous giving through the coming holidays. One of the primary principles of the Soul Care Institute is that if we as soul care providers are depleted then not only do we suffer, but also those in our care.

What do you need right now? I invite you to pause and listen deeply. Imagine yourself as someone under your tender care. How do you speak? What do you offer? Where might you be called to make a change?

To enhance your precious way of being in the world, I hope you’ll consider joining me in our next perfectly-timed session of Live it to Give it. Together we will explore, practice, refine, and enhance what it means to be compassionate citizens of the world.

With love and gratitude,


Join Kayce for the new class dates for Live it to Give it: November 5-December 14, 2012 to begin a vital online journey of radical self-care and soul nourishment.

Make sure to stop by this week’s Poetry Party as well on the theme of silence, savor the beautiful poems shared there, and offer your own to those gathered.

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