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Everything is holy now

Betsey Beckman and I led the Friday evening plenary session for the Spiritual Directors International conference in Atlanta on “Cultivating the Elements of a Compassionate Heart” where we explored the four sacred elements of water, wind, earth, and fire through visual art, writing, movement, and song.  Below is the visual meditation I created for the opening.  These are my photos which were received in prayer accompanied by Peter Mayer’s beautiful song “Holy Now” (which you can order here).  I am very grateful to Peter for his permission to post this video to the Abbey blog so others can receive its gifts. 

Peter Mayer is an enormously gifted singer and songwriter from Minnesota.  You can find his music at his website.  I am blessed to have had the opportunity to hear him in concert twice now and use his songs regularly in gatherings and retreats.  Some of my favorite songs include “Holy Now” (from Million Year Mind), “God is a River” (from Midwinter), “O Sun” (from Elements), “Coming Home” (from Earth Town Square), “Like a Mountain” (from Million Year Mind), “The String” (from Bountiful), “The Birthday Party” (from Elements) and “Church of the Earth” (from Heaven Below).  Click on “CD/Lyrics” and there you can find all of his albums listed with links to CDBaby where you can hear samples and buy songs.

I offer this as a gift to you.  Enter into a visual and aural meditation with creation this day.  Honor the earth from which all life is possible.

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14 Responses

  1. Thank you for bringing me to “church” this Sunday morning. It opened my eyes to what I didn’t see before me.