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Sabbath Time and Abbey Dreaming

I have been taking some Sabbath time recently, scaling back on a number of projects and clearing space for healing and integration.  It has been a gift to savor longer stretches of time for journaling, prayer, and reflection as well as my practices of yoga and walking each day.  The photo is of our new dog Amma Winter at her favorite place – the dog park.  While our previous dogs didn’t care much for other dogs, Winter loves to play and watching her romp, swim, and run has stretched my heart even wider with joy.

As always happens when I slow down my focus on producing content and open space for dreams, a flood of inspiration comes my way.  For several months now I have been holding this dream of creating a kind of Soul Care Institute which would offer a combination of online and live classes for those in ministries of healing and soul care.  It is becoming more and more clear to me me that this is a central path for me to create safe and nurturing space for deep self-reflection and professional and personal development in support of the many gifted folks who care for the souls of others. 

This program will include live retreats like the Awakening the Creative Spirit program I co-lead with the fabulous Betsey Beckman (see below for dates and information) as well as a new live retreat I am planning for spring 2012 with my other beloved teaching partner Kayce Stevens Hughlett on exploring the archetypes through expressive arts, inspired by our work together in our monthly Soul Care Groups which offer supervision and a place of deep inner work.  Online offerings will include small classes (15 max) to explore topics like bringing nature to soul care, journeying in the winter landscape and holding that space for others, contemplative ministry, and self-care. The classes would offer a place to integrate paths of contemplative practice, creative expression, and presence to the wisdom of nature and the seasons to deepen and enhance your capacity to be present to others. You could take the courses that interest you or you could complete the whole program for a certificate of completion. I am dreaming that this will be launched in a more formal way in fall 2011 or winter 2012 and I will let you know as plans unfold.  In the meantime I continue to rest and deepen into my own healing journey.

If this kind of program appeals to you, please send me an email and let me know!  I’d love to hear what this dream stirs in you and if there are other topics that would interest you.  I will be taking some more sabbatical time this summer to apply for grants and continue the dreaming!

In the meantime, there are lots of wonderful treasures coming up very soon here at the Abbey.  Consider joining me for the Lenten Online Retreat and welcome in the wisdom of the desert mothers and fathers each day.  I have also just posted information and registration for the Easter Season Online Retreat on practicing resurrection through creativity and exploring archetypes.  More details are below including a *special offer* to register for both the Lent and Easter programs for a combined discount and free gift before March 8th!

Easter 2011 banner

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3 Responses

  1. I would be interested in your upcoming soul care institute.
    I am in the process of developing a Spiritual companioning with Art Therapy practice with children and adults through my church and at my home studio.
    Still feel very tentative, but hopeful to use my gifts.
    Judy L

  2. Oh Winter is such a darling!
    I’ve been following your site (and blog) for a while now. You are a source of inspiration and creativity for me. Sometimes when I am a bit down, I read some of your newer posts and I feel refreshed and ready to face the world again :)

  3. I love the picture of Winter – she is the picture of “readiness” – readiness for fun, for life, for new adventure – nice:)! She’s a lucky dog to have been found by you!
