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Invitation to Poetry: Autumn Blessings

Welcome to Poetry Party No. 47!

I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your poems or other reflections. Add your responses in the comments section. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one) and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post)

Please post your poem in the comments section below (feel free to include a link to your blog – it would be wonderful to have all of the full text of all the poems gathered together below).

Poetry Party Theme: Autumn Blessings

Autumn is my favorite season (followed closely by winter). I love the air getting crisper, I love the harvest of fall squashes, I love the transformation of the landscape into a witness to the beauty that can be found in surrender. Seven years ago my mother died suddenly in the month of October and my long walks among the autumn leaves offered me tremendous comfort in the depths of my grief. The seasons offer us great wisdom when we listen to their invitations and questions.

I invite you to write a poem about the gifts, graces, invitations, questions, and challenges of autumn. Let your words be a celebration and exploration.

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81 Responses

  1. Autumn Is Forever
    (for Rachel)

    who we are and what we shall be can never be written
    in anything as impermanent as stone
    sooner or later we outgrow our selves and learn
    by leaving what the trees have always known

  2. These poems are so amazing!!! I wish I could comment on each one, but don’t think I will be able to. But do know I read each one and cherish its imagery. Thank you everyone for this outpouring of beauty.

  3. The air changes, one morning it smells like autumn
    The light changes, illuminating the gathering harvest and fruiting beings
    The energy changes, new beginnings and feelings of making ready for completion
    It’s the end and the beginning
    A special time for thankfulness and hope
    And beauty

  4. Wow, lots of poems. We’ve missed the invitations.

    (for Michael McClure)

    Lighting up
    the meat sensorium

    pulse & impulse

    flash & shudder

    explosive touch
    of tiny mosquito
    on forehead

    echoing down
    miles of flesh

    this seamless bag
    of blood and bone
    and all the rest




  5. Autumn arrives in blazing colors

    Announcing another harvest season

    Time to reap the year’s abundance

    Sown and planted with gratitude

    Gathering our blessings into golden sheaves

    With quiet prayers of thanksgiving

    (will be posted tomorrow)

  6. carpet of gold
    beneath my feet
    crunching & scattering
    as I shuffle by
    the air is crisp
    the leaves have turned
    fall is here
    it makes me smile

  7. One Common Loon sings an uncommon melody
    regarding loneliness and love.
    In the distance comes her lover’s reply;
    eventually, the two meet, again, before light rises from the east.

    Fog awakens upon the lake,
    rising up like morning spirits in the still-dark dawn.
    The drifting vapor enshrouds sunrise,
    and yet ingests morning’s luminescence
    like some mimicking chameleon of light.

    Only now,
    in this crisp new day,
    is the fullest certainty of Autumn made manifest.
    Arboreal gowns,
    once green and fresh,
    are now bright with gold and crimson hues.

    Once-soft leaves now rattle in the wind;
    a harmonious shoreline accompaniment
    joins the songs of water-birds across the lake.

    Carpets of forest perennials are being tucked-in
    beneath cast-off cloaks of Maple, Birch, and Oak.

    The forest is beginning to revel in the glory of its own nakedness,
    only tentative in this autumnal time,
    but eventually to dance fully and unabashed
    amidst winter’s broad exposure.

    This is a liminal moment;
    a threshold between what was,
    and is yet to be.

    Melancholy emerges in these days of human-living,
    just as naturally as morning fog
    upon a lake too-warm for the surrounding air.

    It is time to settle-in to our unsettled lives.

    Accept change like tamaracks consent to the seasonal loss of their needles.

    Let our own turning move us to Truth more-lasting than fair-weather.

    Let Autumn be our guide.
    Let Autumn prepare us for any darkness ahead.
    Let Autumn teach us it is okay to let go.

  8. Oh what a beautiful morning, reading these poems and passages!
    I give thanks for the power of heart and soul and words.

  9. Gratitude to Golden Dawn!

    On this golden autumn dawn,
    Awakening consciousness
    Swirling through
    my soul’s cycles of the seasons

    Recent/past time, deeds
    Brillantly character-colored
    Covering the source,
    Sustenance back to her
    to nourish, protect her cycle

    The conifers –
    Like pillar principles
    Stand unchanged.
    to life’s purpose

    Cool nights
    Return travel,
    Life force
    to timeless root tanks

    Grasses sing,
    Fall flowers dance,
    Life forms pilgimage home
    to this year’s celebration

    Joyous golden dawn!
    Gratitude swells
    This autumn day
    for your bounty harvest