Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:

$1000 donated to Gulf Oil Spill Restoration Fund

Last week I offered to donate 50% of the profits from registrations for two of the Abbey’s online classes for those who registered in the last couple of days.  I am delighted to report that the response was great and I was able to make a donation of $1000 to National Wildlife Federation’s Gulf Oil Spill Restoration Fund!  Thank you so much for your support of the Abbey.  (Registration for  Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Contemplative Practice is still available – begin the class at any time!)

You can make your own donation to NWF here.

Make sure you go by this week’s Poetry Party which is another celebration of nature and the blessings of the autumn season.

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Summer Solstice Blessing

Summer Solstice Blessing*Radiant One,creator of the cosmosand the luminaries which light our way,bless this day of longest lightand the gift of the sunto bring warmth to our livesand abundance of growth,sweetness of blueberries,refreshment of lemons,nourishment of kaleand a thousand other kinds of food.We sing in

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Sharon Clymer Landis

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to our Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Sharon Clymer Landis’s reflection on the wisdom and love of a foster dog. I’m fostering a dog named Ladybug. She was caught

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