Abbess Petunia is featured over at Riley’s place today, a place to go only if you really love dogs. :-)
Monk in the World Guest Post: Betty Vandervest
I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Betty Vandervest ‘s reflection Flowing with the Holy Spirit. I believe the act of creating artwork is tapping into the Divine. The
7 Responses
Yes, Tune is very loving and extremely lovable. She is a tremendous gift in our lives. Thanks to all of my dog-loving readers! :-)
Thanks again Riley for the sweet invitation and the adorable dog blog.
Riley told me to tell you “thank you” and that he “loved” all of the visitors today and hopes they’ll come back soon for more doggie tales.
Have I said this yet?
That every time I see a photo of Tune I want to kiss her beautiful head and scratch behind her ears.
Thanks for the link to Riley’s blog–I enjoyed it. And I hadn’t heard Tune’s story before. She’s very lucky to have you as her humans.
the abbess only gets more beautiful with age :-)
I’m there!
By the way, I love the wonderful shots of your dog, as of late!
Oh, Abbess Petunia, your letter brought tears to my eyes. I’m so glad you’re with pets who know your true worth.