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Order a 2008 Calendar

As I mentioned the other day, Waverly Fitzgerald has created a French Revolutionary Wall Calendar which features my nature photographs illustrating the seasonal theme of the particular month in the French Revolutionary calendar, for instance, January is Snowy/Rainy, and each day is marked with the item meant to be honored on that day. Usually these are plants and trees; every day ending in 5 honors an animal and every day ending in 0, a tool.

She will be shipping the first orders out the last week of this year.  The calendar costs $16 for the print version including shipping ($10 if you want to download it yourself). You can order it here.

Calendars make wonderful New Year’s gifts and this one is a great reminder of the seasonal qualities of each month.  Plus you’ll get 12 full-size reproductions of my photos.

**Disclaimer: Tune does not appear in any of the calendar photographs which may be why she looks like such a pouty reindeer here.  Or maybe its because I promised her I’d never dress her up like those silly William Wegman Weimaraners.**

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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4 Responses

  1. I think she is a successful marketing genius and that she also knew she’d get her due reward…er um…TREAT! What a cute photo :)