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Sacred Arts Ring: Pre-Christmas Edition

I am out at my hermitage and forgot to bring my camera, so I can’t show you what I’ve been working on.   So instead I did a lap around the Sacred Arts Ring and offer you much beauty to peruse below.  I will be posting for the Solstice on Friday and then taking a blogging break until the new year.  I’d still love to hear your comments and feedback on the previous post, so thank you to everyone who has commented or emailed so far.

I want to offer a warm welcome to the two newest members of the Sacred Arts Ring:

The Knitting Journeyman with Apprentices and Debra Ann at Tangle Stitch — both are fiber artists doing some great work, so click on over for a visit.

The Grunewald Guild in beautiful Leavenworth, WA, has their Summer class list for 2008 up — these are weeklong opportunities to dive into art within a Christian community context.

Sally at Eternal Echoes shares some lovely words about Advent. Kazi Dolezal has been back to posting her thoughtful reflections at Circle the Divine, including one on life purpose with a lovely photo of a young Buddhist monk.  Kate Iredale shares about a wonderful term I have never heard before: Desire Lines.  Cathleen at Back Road Journey has some moving words to say about the gift of empty spaces this Advent.

Lots of wonderful art to be viewed around the Ring too: 

Jules at Maced with Grace has some beautiful winter photos of branches coated with ice. Melissa at Those Northern Skies also has some wonderful frost-covered images. Lisa at Groggy Froggy has some cool new art of hers posted.  Standingcloud Originals posts their beautiful new hand-stamped Christmas cards.  Leah at this far by faith shares the Christmas bulletin cover she designed.  Britt-Arnhild shares the adorable angels her son made when he was small.

Our poets-in-residence share their moving words: Rich Murray at Pilgrim Path about being held in a Sacred Circle and Bette Wappner at Surimono Garden offers an ode to the December moon.

I apologize if I missed you, if you haven’t posted in December I didn’t link to your site this time.  Feel free to add new posts to the comments below.

If you want to join the Sacred Arts Ring, click here.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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6 Responses

  1. The piece about Desire Lines that you linked to is so powerful. Thanks for calling it to your readers’ attention. It speaks to me as if to say “All Shall Be Well.”

    Happy New Year!