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Advent Resource

I got a very gracious email from Jan Richardson, whose book Night Visions I highly recommended here a couple of weeks ago as my all-time favorite Advent resource.  She reported that she is now sold out and hopes to have it re-published by next year.  But she also shared with me an Advent blog she has created: The Advent Door — even more of her wonderful art and words for me to savor.  I’m looking forward to making a cup of tea and lingering there for a while. 

So head on over for a visit, but before you do, make sure to visit this week’s Poetry Party.  I am as usual, very deeply moved by the beautiful and rich words shared here.  It seems like every time I host one of these I am gifted with such insight into an area I am exploring through the mirrors you offer and the reflections you share through poetry. So again I say a deep thank you to everyone who participates.  Your words are so very meaningful.  Scroll down past the next post or click here to read the latest submissions and to submit your own wonderful poetic words.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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6 Responses

  1. I was fortunate enough to order her last copy. The site said this last book had minor damage but I haven’t found anything wrong with it. What a delight. I also have “Sacred Journeys” and “In Wisdom’s Path” ~ both have fed my soul in many ways. I’m grateful to also know of her Advent blog.

    Thanks for your art Christine and the stories that accompany them ~ they too are a delight and food for the soul. Blessings!

  2. Jan Richardson’s book “In Wisdom’s Path: Discovering the Sacred in Every Season” is excellent and full of her beautiful art images. Totally worth getting.

    That’s too bad her Night Visions book is totally gone, unless you want to pay $98 at eBay.

  3. I wish I would have been more timely in getting a copy but life has been full of twists and turns. The good news…I am able to get on the site again and am so moved at the poetry…and your incredible stick!

    Am waiting for time to savor your new booklet, Christine. Thank you for adding so much to my life!

  4. christine–i have to say that i am one of the lucky few who got a new copy of night visions before they sold out. i am really loving it, so hope jan gets it back in print soon! thanks for the recommendation :-)