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Autumn Spirituality & Some Fun

My friend Rachelle at Magpie Girl has another zine available, this time in celebration of autumn.  Since we’re in a writing group together I got to preview the contents — her beautiful essays about celebrating different sacred autumnal feasts and festivals such as Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Ramadan, and an act of remembrance for 9/11, absolutely scrumptious fall recipes, and oh yes, a poem and photo by me (thanks for including me in your beautiful project Rachelle).  Go to her Etsy store to order yourself a copy, it is a limited run so hurry on over for a dose of autumn splendor. 


Eileen Miller at You May Say I’m a Dreamer awarded me a spot on her list of Break Out Bloggers.  (Thanks Eileen. By the way she is having a sale on her lovely artwork here.)  I’m now supposed to list five people and it’s always so hard to choose for these things.  Well here goes six. . .

Rachelle at Magpie Girl — She offers sassy and thoughtful reflections on the artist’s life, oh and she’s just as sassy and thoughtful in real life.

Kayce at Diamonds in the Sky With Lucy — Playful and deep, one of my favorite combinations, Kayce writes from her heart and offers lots of meaningful words for reflection

Tess at Anchors and Masts — More thoughtful reflections about spirituality from Tess, and her Sunday Collections always draw from such an interesting range of blogs

Rich at Pilgrim Path — Rich and I met three years ago at the Glen conference where we took a nonfiction writing workshop together and I am grateful for that connection.  He has a true poet’s heart and a monastic spirit.

Bette at Surimono Garden — her Haiku and beautiful prints from her wood carvings always make me swoon.

A at Northwoods Contemplative — A is in the midst of a very full season in his life, so is not blogging a lot, but always shares gems from monastic spirituality and when he has time, his own reflections are deep and meaty.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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6 Responses

  1. thank you, christine. “playful and deep” wow…hard to believe you’re talking about me and at the same time it feels right. blessings!

  2. Thanks for the mention and kind words, Christine. I am honored to be spoken of in the same company as these other outstanding bloggers, artists and creative souls. I, too, am blessed by our friendship across the miles. Namaste.

  3. thanks for these great links to different interpretations and offerings about life. when i am lacking inspiration in my own expressions, it helps to be inspired by others.

  4. How exciting. Thank you very much both for your comments and the Break Out award. How nice it’s going to be to award my own onwards.