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Moon Viewing

A cool event on Saturday my sweetie and I are planning on attending. If you’re in Seattle come join us!

August 25: Moon Viewing at the Japanese Garden (Arboretum)

7 to 10 p.m. (Garden will open at 6:15 p.m.)
Admission for all ages: $15  /  Tea tickets: $10

Enjoy a magical night in celebration of the autumn moon with the garden lit with luminaria, lanterns, and boats afloat on the ponds. View the moon through the powerful telescopes provided by the Seattle Astronomical Society. Participate in a tea ceremony with a bowl of match tea and sweets in the Shoseian teahouse.

6:30 Fifteen year old Brian Falconer (Chocolate Dragon) performs energetic dynamic koto music.
7:00 Welcome and introductions by Advisory Council Chair, Steve Garber
7:15 Fujime Fujimine dance ensemble performing traditional Japanese dances to honor the moon.
8:00 Japanese Art Songs by soprano Fumi Tagata.
8:30 Duo En. Elizabeth (13 string koto) and John Falconer (shakuhachi bamboo flute) perform Japanese music for the mind and spirit.
Enjoy readings of haiku written to honor the moon and the night skies.
Enter Moon Viewing haiku contest.

Advance sales and tea tickets may be purchased through (Moon Viewing) or by calling 1-800-838-3006.

Remaining tickets will be sold at the Garden the night of the event.

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5 Responses

  1. Have a fantastic time! Here are three (non-575) moon haiku for you!

    low over the hill
    a red moon waxes …
    the empty road ahead

    waxing ice moon
    a market sets up
    through the alleys

    across a sunset
    straw-necked ibis almost touch
    a cold moon