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Home Again

My husband and I returned home last night after three amazing weeks in Ireland.  We went to Dublin, Waterford, Kenmare, Dingle, Galway, and Westport and drove through much of the countryside.  We saw ancient stone circles and tombs, remains of monasteries, wondrous illuminated manuscripts, field after field filled with woolly sheep and majestic trees, we perched at the edge of the Atlantic ocean, we walked and walked, and we listened to music that makes your pulse quicken.  It is hard to know where to begin exactly, but I imagine it will unfold in my reflections in the coming weeks.  We experienced so very much and it will take time to unpack its impact on me.  Ireland is a border place filled with wildness and beauty. I absolutely loved it. 

I also have nearly 3500 photos to download and organize as well! 

Time away is a very good thing but it is also good to be home again.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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10 Responses

  1. welcome home! i love sweet petunia’s face but it was delightful to check in and find that you were back on this side of the water. look forward to seeing what you are called to share with us!

  2. Thank you dear friends! It is good to be home with Tune and back to blogging.

    Many blessings and much peace, Christine

  3. Welcome Home! I trust that Tune was more than happy to see you both. Like the others I’ve missed your offering of word and photo and look forward to all that you have to share. May you rest well in your own bed!! Blessings.

  4. Welcome home! I too missed you and also look forward to your photo treasures. Tune has been lovely company each day that I checked in to see a new post. I bet she was very happy to see you return!

  5. Hooray! It’s SO good to have you home. I’m eagerly anticipating your glorious posts about your time away and your reflections.