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A Great Pilgrimage

A Great Pilgrimage

I felt in need of a great pilgrimage
so I sat still for three

and God came
to me.


Pamela McCauley shared the wonderful poem above in a comment she left on my post about Africa.  She also shared this great quote from a Ugandan Sister who said, “You have watches, but no time. We have no watches, but plenty of time.”

Wishing you a weekend of spaciousness. May the Holy One come to you in the stillness and fill the wide open spaces of your heart.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

(photo from sheep farm on Saltspring Island)

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5 Responses

  1. Thank you Christine – a wonderful blessing to take into my weekend. I hope you have a beautiful weekend, enjoy the prayer and stillness in your heart. God bless.

  2. i hope you have a delightful pilgrimage away from home and look forward to hearing about it with perhaps some of your photos!

    blessings to you, christine!