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Exploring New Things

I realize that in my post earlier about all of the things that comprised my retreat I forgot to mention the art class I took at the end which was wonderful.  The teacher showed us many ways of combining text and art and I was so inspired by her wonderful work.  She likes to work small so she can do several pieces at a time.  Below are some of my very beginning attempts at using embossing, graphite powder, crushed pastels, and colored pencils.  The scanner doesn’t reproduce the color and texture very well and also cuts off the lovely white border created by using drafting tape along the edges. It was great fun to experiement and play with new forms.  I have lots of ideas of ways to explore this further when my workload lightens in December and I enter into more spaciousness.  Bette has also inspired me to try my hand at carving on soft blocks too, I have ordered some tools and books to get me started!  Oh the joys of trying new things. 

What is something new you have tried recently?


-Christine Valters Paintner 

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8 Responses

  1. Thanks Cathleen, I have come to understand myself as firmly rooted in the tradition of ecstatic mysticism, that sense as you describe, that there is so much, so very much and it just bursts forth. I am delighted this comes through in my art.

  2. Christine, These are beautiful, vibrant! I have a sense that sometimes you can’t creative/write/express fast enough, that there’s much within you that wants to be expressed! I’m grateful you’re sharing these with others. Joyfully, Cathleen

  3. OH, Christine.
    These. Are. Amazing.

    I could look all day. Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings to you as you continue to explore and create. Such joy you bring!

  4. Oh my goodness….I just noticed that RUMI, TREE, WEEP, and SING all rhyme! Did you know that? or am I just a slow one : D

  5. Thanks Bette! It was fun experimenting. The pieces of paper used are 7×7 and then you use 1 1/2 inches of drafting tape all the way around, so the actual art space is only 4×4. It creates a really nice border around them. Now to get a number of projects off my plate so I have more time to play! :-)

  6. I’m thrilled to pieces with your new art, Christine!!! {big grins}

    My most favorite quote by Rumi! in your beautiful handwriting :)
    And of course a TREE! yeeeee!
    We must “WEEP” before we “SING”!

    I’m guessing these are about 5″ x 5″ ? You are a most creative one!
    Oh how we all wish we could have joined you.

    Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to your carvings :)
    Peace and Hugs,