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So what would you think of. . .

. . .a series of art journals around different themes? 

This is an idea that has been stirring in me the last few weeks and I want to put it out there to the blogosphere and see what kind of response it might get.  What I am thinking of are different journals that would include a combination of text and art.  Each would have a focus like discernment, grief, dreams, creativity, lectio divina, liturgical and natural seasons, etc.  There would be some content — reflections on the theme, but there would also be lots of luscious open pages with photos, collage, and other art laid out alongside poetry and reflection questions.  I am considering doing this project through a publisher like so that I could have complete control over what the journals look like and not have to deal with the endless work of book proposals (most publishers would stay away from a cost-intensive project like this anyway).   I like the idea of their full-color square size of 7-1/2 by 7-1/2 inches.  Something about a square book seems like it would feel good to hold. 

There would also be the possibility of doing some collaboration and including not only my own artistic expressions, but the art of others.  I have come to know so many talented people both in Seattle and through the blog, now spread across the country and beyond.  Like for instance Heather’s great icons I just mentioned in the last post. Or Bette with her wonderful woodcuts and haiku.  And Trish with her amazing music (maybe a mini-CD with a song included?)  Lots more folks I could think of too, although I don’t want the organizing of it to get too complex.  But I am drawn to bringing image and word together in a more tangible form than the blog.

So I am looking for some feedback on this.  Would you even want to buy such a journal?  What would be most/least appealing about this for you?  Go ahead, be honest, I can take it!

I’d also love to hear from all my readers who check in here quietly, an invitation and encouragement to come out and say hello!  What keeps you coming back? 

Have a wonderful weekend!

-Christine Valters Paintner (feel free to email me as well if you’re shy) :-)

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11 Responses

  1. Welcome Gracia, thanks for your visit and your comment! That is a lovely image you offer of the mandala journey, I’ll have to look for those books.

    Blessings, Christine