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Sacred Images

I love to celebrate and support the work of women artists who reveal the sacred in their expressions.   

This image is called “Blessing” by Martina Shapiro.  Visit her website for many lovely  images celebrating Shabbat and other Jewish themes (thanks to Wendy for featuring her)

Miska is an artist who lives in Issaquah and does a whole series of wonderful Madonna icons in contemporary style.  I first discovered her art at St. Placid Priory bookstore and have a couple of reproductions of her work.

Julie Barrett Ziegler lives in Olympia and is trained as a calligrapher and icon artist. This is a violin she decorated for a fundraiser for the Student Orchestras of Greater Olympia and includes one of the Madonna and child icons she has illuminated.  She recently joined our Oblate program at St. Placid and is a vibrant presence.  I am going to commission her to create an icon panel of the Communion of Saints that will include my mother, our sweet Duke, among other animals and saints who have been important for us.  I am thrilled to find someone who will be able to bring such a vision to fruition for me and make a statement about the essential role animals have to play in our lives as teachers and companions.

Blessings on your weekend.  Tomorrow John and I go to see Bombay Dreams. (we absolutely adore some of the Bollywood style films including Lagaan — a wonderful 3+ hour film about cricket, Monsoon Wedding, and yes, even Bride and Prejudice.) Indian music just makes me want to dance!

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6 Responses

  1. Yes, connections are wonderful! Glad you like the woodblock prints with the haiku. The two together are so unique. I’d like to use these two arts to portray the Holy, the Sacred.

  2. You are most welcome Jennifer, and I love the connections happening here. I had to go back and see what I missed when you mentioned “mermaid” and yes Bette, I adore your wood block prints too, what a marvelous idea to include those Haiku poems. Such gifts and talents here among holy women.

    Blessings, Christine

  3. Thank you for the sweet blessing…and may all Holy women here and around be blessed :)

    Dear “juniper” ( rev brownell ):

    Here is the web site for “STARS: Grief Support for Kids” – a local program held at my church. I’m happy to share the link here. The group meets Sept. – May, every 1st and 3rd Tues. If you have questions, I’m sure there’s a contact at the site – if not let me know.

    A ‘Holy women’ Hug to you!

  4. Hi Christine – thanks for the art/inspiration.

    Hi Bette – Beautiful photos (and I saw your prints, too. Especially loved the mermaid!) Would you mind being in touch? I’m a pastor and would like to hear more about your church’s children and grieving group…If so, email me at rev dot brownell at gmail dot com

    Many thanks, Holy women!

  5. Ooooohhhh Bette, I just loved your photos and I am honored to have been your inspiration. You caught some great moments, I especially loved “Explore” with your shadow, “Giving” and “Receiving”, “Balance”, “Holy” and “Tributaries.” You have a great eye for capuring those sacred moments and images. I encourage others to go take a look too!
    May your feet be blessed and continue to carry you forward on your pilgrimage!

  6. What a blessing to see these beautiful works of sacred art embrassing differing visions of The Icon. Sharing and making art with friends is pure medicine! Thank you for also sharing these great links.

    Today I went on my RiverCreekWalking :) inspired by you, Christine. Enjoy the photos.