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Napping for Nature

As if I needed one more reason to nap more. . .gotta love those British research projects! (“Sleep more and save the environment”)

My father was definitely a workaholic, but being European by upbringing, he always came home in the middle of his 12-14 hour workday for a two hour lunch and nap break.  I am proud to say that I have firmly embraced the napping tradition of my ancestors, but rejected my father’s workaholic tendencies.  There is something so wonderful and decadent about taking a leisurely pause in the afternoon.  It is one of my acts of resistance against a culture that demands we work endless hours to be productive.  I find a good nap can do wonders for my creative process as well as my body.

Do you enjoy a good nap in the afternoon? 

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Summer Solstice Blessing

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Sharon Clymer Landis

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to our Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Sharon Clymer Landis’s reflection on the wisdom and love of a foster dog. I’m fostering a dog named Ladybug. She was caught

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2 Responses

  1. Christine–

    I am feeling a strong kinship with you already…after only reading a couple of your entries.
    I LOVE to nap!! I was just thinking today how much time I “waste” napping and then I ran across your beautiful prose along with the British research. Thank you for helping me keep my priorities straight!!!

    Sweet dreams–