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Napping for Nature

As if I needed one more reason to nap more. . .gotta love those British research projects! (“Sleep more and save the environment”)

My father was definitely a workaholic, but being European by upbringing, he always came home in the middle of his 12-14 hour workday for a two hour lunch and nap break.  I am proud to say that I have firmly embraced the napping tradition of my ancestors, but rejected my father’s workaholic tendencies.  There is something so wonderful and decadent about taking a leisurely pause in the afternoon.  It is one of my acts of resistance against a culture that demands we work endless hours to be productive.  I find a good nap can do wonders for my creative process as well as my body.

Do you enjoy a good nap in the afternoon? 

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2 Responses

  1. Christine–

    I am feeling a strong kinship with you already…after only reading a couple of your entries.
    I LOVE to nap!! I was just thinking today how much time I “waste” napping and then I ran across your beautiful prose along with the British research. Thank you for helping me keep my priorities straight!!!

    Sweet dreams–