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Journey to Joy ~ A New Project from Christine

Hello dear ones, I continue to feel better on this new medication thankfully. I am far from pain-free, but better than I have felt in perhaps two years or more. I continue to take things slowly as I am keenly aware my health is often fragile and tenuous, so gently I go with gratitude and cherishing. I wanted to share a project that emerged out of this long season of my body flaring and sometimes feeling like my joy was being stolen from me. I turned to one of the things that has always served me well—writing. Specifically the writing

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Francis and Clare and the Sacred Art of Friendship ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

A Blessing for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi*Wild and dancing God, you gave us the example of Francisto show us what it means to embody love on Earth.He danced in celebration of everything that you created:the sun, moon, stars, water, wind, earth, and fire,he called them each brother or sister,he cherished the birds, the wolf, and the grasshopper,and even Death became an intimate companion,a teacher of how precious life is.Francis saw the whole world as his monastery,as the place where your sacred presenceshimmers forth like silver.Give us the courage to follow his exampleof holy foolishness, to find our

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Kellie D. Brown

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to our Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Kellie Brown’s reflection on walking with care in a body that is chronically ill, and her poem Circumambulate. The wise philosopher-teacher of Ecclesiastes wrote: “A generation goes, and a generation comes,/but the earth remains forever.” This passage goes on to describe the circular life of nature— the sun that rises and sets, the water that flows in then out, the wind that goes “round and round.” Ancient and modern monastics have been keenly attuned to the lessons

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Abbess love notes

Creating New Beginnings in Times of Unravelling ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

A Blessing for Hope*Dreamkeeper,bless me with vision to see the possibilities for this hurting and broken world. Help me to remember that hope is not a thingbut an action, I cannot know that what I do is of any consequence, but I must do something. I must walk in trustthat I plant seeds for others,that my kindness ripples out into the world, that justice is necessary, that my joy mattersthat love is at the foundation of everything. On those days when hope feels so far away, surround me with kindred soulswho can help sustain hope when I must let go.

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Dena Jennings

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Wisdom Council member Dena Jennings’ reflection on making and sharing music as a spiritual practice. I was 12 years old in 1976. It was an election year and the bicentennial celebration of the United States. My parents were community leaders in Akron, Ohio, the Rubber Capital of the World. There were more events and parades that year than I had known. My oldest sister was a beautiful majorette in an award-winning high school band. And my middle

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Abbess love notes

A Midwinter God is Published! ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

God is not simply in the light, in the intelligible world, in the rational order. God is in the darkness, in the womb, in the Mother, in the chaos from which order comes . . . darkness is the womb of life. —Dom Bede Griffiths Dearest dancing monks, artists, and pilgrims, I am thrilled to share that my newest book A Midwinter God: Encountering the Divine in Seasons of Darkness has been published by Ave Maria Press and is available to order from your favorite booksellers! To celebrate we have two gifts for you: First, is a reflection guide with questions to companion

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St Francis and the Holy Fool

A Fool’s Blessing*God of upturned expectations,bless us with holy foolishness.Help us take ourselves less seriouslyand believe in what we did not think could be done: impossible situations,limited resources, injustices demanding rectification,traumas needing healing. Grant us a restless heart when we witness oppressionand exploitation, hunger and war,poverty and destruction. Kindle in us a need to extend our handsin service to a hurting world, joining with kindred souls in communities of care, knowing ourselves to not be alone. Help us trust in the tiny seeds we plant,that they grow vigorously and flourish,let the ripples we send across the watersof life be multiplied

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Abbess love notes

New Abbey Team Member ~ Welcome Delaney Hart!

We are delighted to introduce the newest member to our Abbey of the Arts team. Delaney Hart (she/her), sister to Wisdom Council member Cassidhe Hart, is joining us from Illinois. To begin, her work will focus on increasing the accessibility of our self-study retreats through transcripts and closed captions for select videos, and creating reflection guides for some of Christine’s books. The guide for A Midwinter God: Encountering the Divine in Seasons of Darkness is available now. Meet Delaney Squirrels and trees, music and dance, curiosity and tears — these are Delaney’s teachers and guides. While listening for the inherent

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Kelly Sollinger

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Kelly Sollinger’s reflection and poem on finding silence. The days leading up to this poem brought one heartbreak after another. I was dealing with personal griefs in the midst of serving as a pastoral presence to a community enduring an impossible loss. Early one morning I fled the house and the phone and the email, desperately seeking an inner silence that eluded me. The longer I walked, the more I became aware of the birds. At first,

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Abbess love notes

Writing Your Spiritual Memoir ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest dancing monks, artists, and pilgrims, This Friday, September 13th, we are pleased to welcome Wisdom Council member, clinical trauma specialist and expressive arts therapist Dr. Jamie Marich to lead us in a mini-retreat on Writing Your Spiritual Memoir. In this mini-retreat experience, Jamie will use several expressive arts facilitation strategies to help us start or continue the process of writing our own spiritual memoir.  Fresh off the experience of writing her own memoir You Lied to Me About God about her experience of growing up in a mixed Catholic-Protestant home and experiencing spiritual abuse in other settings, Jamie has a great deal

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