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Sign and Witness

One of my favorite quotes comes from Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet:  “There is only one thing you should do. Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. This most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? Dig into yourself for a deep answer. And if this answer rings out in assent, if you meet this solemn question

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Rule of Life

When I first began my doctoral studies in Christian spirituality I had no real fondness for monasticism, I didn’t really get it at the time.  Despite having always had a very contemplative nature, I did not understand how monastics make a difference in the world. It was while studying for my history exam that I started to think otherwise.  I first fell in love with Hildegard of Bingen.  How could I resist falling for a woman who was abbess, artist, musician, writer, poet, theologian, mystic, preacher, spiritual director, healer, and visionary (not necessarily in that order)?  Oh, and she challenged

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Further Thoughts on the God of Play

Maria Thompson’s comments on my post earlier about my koala dream and the playful nature of God, reminded me of the Hindu concept of lila (or someties leela) which means the playful creativity of God.  It is a concept that Stephen Nachmanovitch discusses in his wonderful book titled Free Play: The Power of Improvisation in Life and the Arts.  He explores the ways in which the delights of improvised art are doorways to the delights to be found in everyday life.  He is essentially talking about the practice of play as essential to the Sacred Art of Living, with which

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God the Dreamer

I was on retreat this weekend at St. Placid Priory, a wonderful Benedictine women’s community in Lacey where I am an Oblate.  It was our annual oblate weekend retreat.  The retreat theme was inspired by the feast of Pentecost which Christian churches celebrated yesterday. I had an interesting prayer experience connected to my previous post on dreaming.  We opened on Friday night with a group praying of lectio divina with a passage from Joel.  The line that stopped me was from 2:28: “and the old shall dream dreams.”  I let myself be with that image for a while and the first

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Communal Altar Cloth

Please visit our main website Creating Space to view larger images of the communal altar cloth we painted together at our May 2006 Gathering, facilitated by Amy Wyatt.  It was a wonderful time! There you can also find dates for our 2006-2007 Monthly Gatherings resuming on Friday, September 8, 2006 from 9:45-12:30, at St. Joseph Church Parish Center, and every second Friday, same time, through May!  Mark your calendars and join us to help nurture a creative community!  

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Creativity and Social Transformation

If in the Judeo-Christian tradition we believe that we were created in the image of God, a God who is continually at work bringing to birth the Universe and the God who “makes all things new” then why isn’t creativity something that gets more attention in our church communities? I think, in part, it is because creativity is threatening to institutions and to the status quo. Also, from working extensively with persons in ministry, church culture can be just as consumed with busyness as the rest of the culture and creativity takes time and space to nurture and nourish.  It

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Resources for Dreamwork

These are three of my favorite books for working with dreams: Jill Mellick’s Art of Dreaming is a wonderful resource that contains a multitude of ideas for using the expressive arts to unpack the meaning and significance of our dreams. Louis Savary’s Dreams and Spiritual Growth is a great introductory resource for bringing dreamwork together with insights from Christian tradition. Jeremy Taylor has many books available on dreams, but his book Dream Work is a good introduction to his method of Projective Dream Work. Please click here for our Creating Space resource page for dreamwork with links directly to Amazon

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The Illumination of Dreams

I am driving around Vienna looking for the home of an old friend. I keep stopping the car to look at the map closely and find my way and then search again. At one of the stops two koala bears jump through my open window into the car and begin playing. They try to get my attention away from the map I am holding so I can give them some attention. I had this dream last fall while in the midst of some serious discernment. The last couple of years have been a time of deep listening for me as

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Ode to Dogness

For the last nine years I have had the privilege of sharing my life with a wonderful dog named Duke. We adopted Duke from the SPCA in Sacramento, CA when he was one year old and already 85 pounds (he is now 105, bigger than a supermodel!). I would pay good money to see photos of his puppy stage, all head and paws I imagine. We get asked all the time what breed he is and my favorite answer is that he is part polar bear (he is big and white) and part dragon (think of Falcor the luck-dragon in

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