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Sacred Artist Interview: Stacy Wills

I met Stacy Wills through my blog, and as always, was absolutely delighted to come across a talented artist who weaves a spiritual vision into her creative work and my special interest in bringing the arts to spiritual direction. Stacy’s mandalas are beautiful and a wonderful tool for meditation and centering.  I am captivated by their vibrancy and contemporary interpretation of an ancient art form. Stacy was so generous with her time and wisdom here, so please read on!_____________________________________________________ Are you rooted in a particular faith tradition? I was born and raised in the beautiful coastal city of Savannah, Georgia

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What is Unfurling Within You?

Pour yourself a cup of tea and ponder this question.  Notice what the image stirs in you.  Then go visit this week’s Poetry Party, and savor the poetic treasures gathered there.  Then write your own poem and enter for your chance to win a prize!  There are several ways to enter and the drawing will be on Sunday.  Thank you to everyone who has been so generous with supportive comments for each other as well. I’ll be at the Northwest Women’s Convocation Friday and Saturday with an exhibit table to talk about my work and sell my journals.  Please stop by and say

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Life is the only way

A Note Life is the only way to get covered in leaves, catch your breath on the sand, rise on wings; to be a dog, or stroke its warm fur; to tell pain from everything it’s not; to squeeze inside events, dawdle in views, to seek the least of all possible mistakes. An extraordinary chance to remember for a moment a conversation held with the lamp switched off; and if only once to stumble upon a stone, end up soaked in one downpour or another, mislay your keys in the grass; and to follow a spark on the wind with

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“It is this activity of working through disintegration that I consider to be at the core of the creative and therapeutic processes. I call this act “poesis” (following Heidegger’s use of the Greek word for poetry), and consider it to be at the center of human existence. “It is essential to human being to fall apart, to fragment, disintegrate, and to experience the despair that comes with lack of wholeness. To what can we turn, then, ion this moment of crisis? I believe it is at this critical moment that the possibility of creative living arises. If we can let

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What Came to Me

What Came to Me I took the last dusty piece of china out of the barrel. It was your gravy boat, with a hard, brown drop of gravy still on the porcelain lip. I grieved for you then as I never had before. -Jane Kenyon The photo is of me as a young girl sitting on my father’s shoulder.  I have shared some of my journey with him here before — his layers of addiction, his inability to offer unconditional love, his narrowness of vision.  This is a part of my inheritance that I continue to name and own.  His grief and despair

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Say Yes

The last few days have been rich, moving in me in ways I have yet to name.  The hermit part of my soul is asking for some nurturning right now before I speak too much about what is stirring.  In the meantime I continue to receive gifts.  I discovered this video at 37 Days (Patti Digh’s blog).  It is poet Andrea Gibson reciting her powerful poem “Say Yes”.  You can find the words here, but first listen to her speak them aloud.  In the space of three minutes I felt myself both moved to tears and rising up in powerful hope.

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“fragile, mortal, beautiful”

I am catching up on emails this morning and not sure what this says about me, but one of the notes that excited me most was from Rich at Pilgrim Path who sent me this link about a new book on relics called Rag and Bone: A Journey Among the World’s Holy Dead.  Some of you may remember that I had some recent encounters with relics during Lent (Meeting the Saints in Walgreens and Altar for an Unknown God) and I am delighted to see well-reviewed writing exploring this practice across religious traditions.  The author, Peter Manseau, writes: “These bones — fragile,

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Sacred Artist Interview: Sybil Archibald

Sybil Archibald, also know as Painter of Blue, has a blog dedicated to spirituality and art and loves medieval illuminations (so you know I was going to like her right from the start). She has even co-authored a book called Lapis and Gold, on reclaiming the original tools and methods of medieval artists.  We have only been recently introduced through this virtual world, but she is most certainly a kindred spirit and has been gracious enough to respond to my interview questions for the benefit of you, my dear readers. Read on for more sacred wisdom: ____________________________________________ Are you rooted in

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Missing My Muse

Before I came to Houston for the SDI Conference I had spent several intense days writing, writing, and more writing and all through it Abbess Petunia was a quiet, faithful presence encouraging me on. Who is the muse in your own life? Make sure to stop by the Poetry Party — the random drawing for a prize is tomorrow! Become a fan of the Abbey on Facebook or follow the Abbey on Twitter (new!) © Christine Valters Paintner at Abbey of the Arts: Transformative Living through Contemplative & Expressive Arts Subscribe in a reader

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Two Upcoming Retreats in Seattle

For those of you in the Seattle area, you are warmly invited to join me on one of the two retreat programs I am leading in the next month. Saturday, April 25, 2009: A Mini-Retreat for Young Adults (age 21-35) Exploring a Rhythm of Contemplation & Creativity We will explore the ancient practice of lectio divina and creative expression.  We gather from 9:30-1:00 for a taste of retreat in the midst of everyday life. (sponsored by the Ignatian Spirituality Center — click link for more information and to RSVP) ************************* May 8-10, 2009 Transitions Weekend Retreat: Engaging the Seasons of Change

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