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Mid-Way through Lent: Beginning Again

My latest Seasons of the Soul column at Patheos: In the middle of the journey of our life I found myself astray in a dark wood where the straight road had been lost sight of. –Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy We have just passed the midpoint of our Lenten journey through the desert. This is a ripe moment to pause and reflect on the commitments we made in earnest almost a month ago as ash was smeared across our skin, reminding us of the preciousness of our days. The human heart is a funny thing, full of passion for spirit

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Visual Meditation: Oasis in the Desert

I am heading off to the desert for a time of Lenten retreat and leave you with some rainy day images from the Kubota Japanese Garden here in Seattle.  The desert mothers and fathers will be my companions for this journey.  My heart is ready to move into silence to listen for a deeper voice.  I’ll let you know some of what I discover upon my return.  (Click here for a visual meditation on tulips.)

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Responding with Compassion

Like you, I have been sitting with the devastating events in Japan, wondering how to respond.  We live in times when the global nature of problems and the twenty-four hour coverage regularly overwhelm us.  Then we move to a place of numbness and helplessness.  I have been bringing this to my times of silent prayer and allowing myself to feel the enormity of grief and to listen for the ways I am called to live in a world filled with sorrow.  Being a monk in the world means opening our hearts to the pain of living and to create a

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Entering the Season of Blossoming

Stop by my latest Seasons of the Soul column at Patheos for a reflection on entering this season of blossoming: For see, the winter is past, the rains are over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come, and the song of the dove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth its figs, and the vines, in bloom, give forth fragrance. Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come! –Song of Songs 2:11-13 Spring and all its flowers now joyously break their vow of silence. It is time for

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Stop by Trust Tending for an interview with me about seasonal wisdom

The lovely Kristin Noelle has created a beautiful new blog called Trust Tending: Reflections, Conversations, and Art to Nourish Life Beyond Fear.  She offers a monthly theme, regular reflections, and these wonderful sketches that are so profound in their simplicity.  This month the theme is nature and she invited me to participate in a written interview with her about the role of the seasons in my own life.  Stop by to see the perfect sketch she created to accompany my words (reminds me a lot of this visual meditation I posted last month) and linger over some reflections by me on

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New Review of Water, Wind, Earth, & Fire

The lovely Edith O’Nuallain posted this great review of Water, Wind, Earth & Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements to Story Circle Network: In her book Water, Wind, Earth and Fire, author and contemplative artist Christine Valters Paintner explores the four natural elements named in the title and traditionally associated with ancient philosophies and nature-based religions. Paintner examines each element in turn as a metaphor for the myriad ways spiritual seekers can learn to connect with the divine matrix and unfathomable mysteries which fill the earth we walk upon. Hence, this book is primarily about learning to

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Ash Wednesday: Practice Truth-Telling

Ash Wednesday marks a threshold when we leave ordinary time to enter into the journey of Lent through the desert. The desert is that uncharted terrain beyond the edges of our seemingly secure and structured world, where things begin to crack. We begin this desert journey marked with ashes, the sign of our mortality. There is wisdom in these ashes. If you have ever been near death or had a loved one die, you know the clarity that an awareness of our bodily limits can bring. How suddenly what is most important in life rises to the surface. This is

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Sabbath Time and Abbey Dreaming

I have been taking some Sabbath time recently, scaling back on a number of projects and clearing space for healing and integration.  It has been a gift to savor longer stretches of time for journaling, prayer, and reflection as well as my practices of yoga and walking each day.  The photo is of our new dog Amma Winter at her favorite place – the dog park.  While our previous dogs didn’t care much for other dogs, Winter loves to play and watching her romp, swim, and run has stretched my heart even wider with joy. As always happens when I slow down

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Happy Valentine’s Day from the Abbey!

Saints Bowing in the Mountains Do you know how beautiful you are? I think not, my dear. For as you talk of God, I see great parades with wildly colorful bands Streaming from your mind and heart, Carrying wonderful and secret messages To every corner of this world. I see saints bowing in the mountains Hundreds of miles away To the wonder of sounds That break into light From your most common words. Speak to me of your mother, Your cousins and your friends. Tell me of squirrels and birds you know. Awaken your legion of nightingales— Let them soar

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