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Everything is holy now

Betsey Beckman and I led the Friday evening plenary session for the Spiritual Directors International conference in Atlanta on “Cultivating the Elements of a Compassionate Heart” where we explored the four sacred elements of water, wind, earth, and fire through visual art, writing, movement, and song.  Below is the visual meditation I created for the opening.  These are my photos which were received in prayer accompanied by Peter Mayer’s beautiful song “Holy Now” (which you can order here).  I am very grateful to Peter for his permission to post this video to the Abbey blog so others can receive its

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The Spiritual Practice of Being Uncomfortable

My latest Seasons of the Soul column at Patheos: Love wants to reach out and manhandle us, Break all our teacup talk of God. If you had the courage and Could give the Beloved His choice, some nights, He would just drag you around the room By your hair, Ripping from your grip all those toys in the world That bring you no joy. Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly And wants to rip to shreds All your erroneous notions of truth . . . The Beloved sometimes wants To do us a great favor: Hold us upside down

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Beginning Again: Benedictine Wisdom for Living with Chronic Illness (Summer 2011)

If you deal with chronic illness or know someone who does, consider joining Benedictine oblate Judy Smoot this summer to form an online community to explore the ways monastic spirituality can support the journey. . . *If you are interested in joining this program, please register soon so that we can determine if we have enough participants to move ahead* This 8-week online course facilitated by Judy Smoot, OblSB , offers participants an opportunity to share with others who live with chronic disease or who support someone with chronic disease. Some illnesses bring little long-term disruption to life.  We may

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The Soul Care Institute is coming. . .

I am getting things ready to travel tomorrow to Atlanta for the Spiritual Directors International Conference where Betsey Beckman and I are leading the Friday night plenary session on Cultivating the Elements of a Compassionate Heart.  We will be engaging the community in visual art, poetry, movement, and song to savor the four sacred elements of water, wind, earth, and fire.  I’ve had several wonderful notes from folks who were offering their prayers while I was away last week on an Abbey dreaming and planning retreat by the sea.  It was a beautiful and inspiring time with lots more details about what

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Easter Blessings

Beyond bunnies, baskets, chocolate, and jelly beans, Easter calls us to the profound practice of resurrection of the body. Resurrection is about entering the fire of our passion and letting it burn brightly.  It is about what enlivens us and makes us feel vital.  It is about feeling the full weight and lightness of our physical being.  What would it mean for you to open yourself fully to the sacred breath moving through and sustaining you moment by moment?  How might you let your dreams and passion be resurrected this season?

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Holy Saturday: The Space Between

My latest Seasons of the Soul column at Patheos: Don’t surrender your loneliness so quickly. Let it cut more deep. Let it ferment and season you as few human Or even divine ingredients can. Something missing in my heart tonight Has made my eyes so soft, My voice so tender, My need of God Absolutely clear. ~ Hafiz Holy Week invites us into a world full of betrayal, abandonment, mockery, violence, and ultimately death. The Triduum, those three sacred days which constitute one unfolding liturgy, call us to experience communion, loss, and the border spaces of unknowing. Holy Saturday is

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Death and Dancing in the Desert

I recently went out to the desert for a week of retreat.  Last Christmas I had a pulmonary embolism while in Vienna.  Coming so close to the reality of my own death demanded more reflection, more time to be present to what this experience was opening up in my heart.  I knew the desert was the place of fierceness calling to me. In my first few days I found myself deeply drawn to images of death.  In New Mexico there are these wonderful figures everywhere of skeletons dressed in various clothing.  They are in celebration of Day of the Dead

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New book on lectio divina coming in late May

From the Afterword: The Divine Presence is Everywhere in my newest book Lectio Divina–The Sacred Art: Transforming Words & Images Into Heart-Centered Prayer (click the link to pre-order from or order through your local bookseller): Always We Begin Again It is wise to hold all of these worthy goals with humility. Benedict describes his rule of life as a “little Rule for beginners,” and because we are human we will continue to stray from the path we most deeply long for. Life will intervene and throw us off track. We will need to bring ourselves back again and again to the practice.

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The Power of Archetypes

Archetypes are symbols or patterns which appear across cultures.  We find them in the great myths and stories of religious traditions, we find them in our nighttime dreams.  They are active within each of us as a multiplicity of energies which we can draw upon.  When we are living from a place of balance and fullness we have access to more dimensions of ourselves.  Most of us tend to identify with a few dominant archetypes.  Maybe you find a powerful sense of life purpose in caring for others and identify more with the Mother archetype.  Maybe your story carries a lot of abandonment and you

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Beginning Again: Benedictine Wisdom for Living with Chronic Illness

June 12 – August 6, 2011 This summer I will be taking a sabbatical from teaching, but the Abbey is delighted to offer this class with Judy Smoot, a fellow Benedictine oblate, to explore monastic wisdom for living with illness. Course Description This 8-week online course facilitated by Judy Smoot, OblSB , offers participants an opportunity to share with others who live with chronic disease or who support someone with chronic disease. Some illnesses bring little long-term disruption to life.  We may feel that our network of support is sufficient, our way of connecting with God remains unchanged, and there is little

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