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Blog Sabbatical

Tomorrow I will fly off to distant landscapes to begin my time of pilgrimage and be attentive to the summons between heartbeats.  I will carry with me my camera, my journal and pen, and most important, an open heart ready to receive whatever gifts are offered.

My blog and the Abbey Shop will be on sabbatical for most of October (although I may pop back in with a link or two).  I carry you with me as well, dear readers, because you are a part of the community which I am called to serve.  When I return I will share some of what I discover.

What is the call you might hear if you set aside meetings, appointments, and lists, and simply pay attention? 

What is pulling on your soul?

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9 Responses

  1. I just returned from a month in France where I was hit squarely between the eyes with the concept of pilgrimage…never gave it any thought before. My heart was stolen by Conques and its pilgrims.

  2. Thank you for these wonderful wishes and blessings. Bette and April, I loved hearing your responses to the questions. Maureen, John O’Donohue’s words are a wonderful gift as I ready to depart.

  3. I hope you have a fabulous time… it sounds like pure heaven. :)

    The thing that keeps coming up for me in terms of a calling … is shadow work. I just got a book that will help me dive into shadow and welcome back all those fractured pieces that I’ve ignored. I’ve gotta stop running sometime…

    Have a great trip, Christine.

  4. As John O’Donohue wrote in his beautiful book “To Bless the Space Between Us”:

    . . . May you travel in an awakened way,
    Gathered wisely into your inner ground;
    That you may not waste the invitations
    Which wait along the way to transform you.

    May you travel safely, arrive refreshed,
    And live your time away to its fullest;
    Return home more enriched, and free
    To balance the gift of days which call you.

  5. Blessings on your pilgrimage. I always enjoy the photos and writings of your journeys.

    You ask, “What is pulling on my soul?” — I’m going to learn and practice Qigong, and am thrilled that finally my moku hanga woodblock now has a new, deeper direction.

  6. Blessings to you on your sabbatical and pilgrimage and thanks for leaving those 2 questions to ponder. Praying your time will refresh your soul.