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Blog Recommendations

Apparently yesterday was Blog Day 2006 which I found out from Swandive who tagged her readers (by the way, I forgot to mention in yesterday’s post, that she has some great comments on the poem she posted.)  The purpose is to recommend 5 new blogs, these are some I read pretty regularly:  (maybe this will prompt me to finally set up the blogroll sidebar?)

Trish at Story Midwife writes such wonderful stuff on art and dreams and mystery, and she is a wonderful musician!

Rachelle at Monkfish Abbey is a Seattle friend and fellow writing group member who is also the urban abbess of her own neo-monastic soul care community, doing some very creative things!

Ron at The Weary Pilgrim writes a lot about emerging church themes, I especially love the ways he talks about God, always embracing mystery.

Kristin at (un)veilings has had some great posts on embodiment in the last few weeks.

I mentioned Antony at Coming to the Quiet yesterday.  He is a fellow Benedictine Oblate and I love reading his reflections on monastic spirituality.

I also have to add PeaceBang at Beauty Tips for Ministers, a wonderfully sassy and funny blog on what (not) to wear for ministry.

Then there is the whole wonderful group over at the RevGalBlogPals, a webring I am part of that includes women in ministry and friends.  Such a great diversity! (Swandive is one, Eternal Echoes, Writing as Jo(e), RevAbi, Songbird, and so many others — with 196 members and still growing it is hard to keep up!).  And I love that my newest blog friend Wendy has her own dream blog, what a great idea!

So if you are reading this and have a blog I invite you to participate belatedly as well!

I need to go out for my morning walk and get some of my book writing done today before the long weekend.  My husband and I celebrate 12 years of marriage on Sunday.  We’ll go to our favorite special occasion restaurant for brunch and spend some time wandering around Bumbershoot, Seattle’s biggest annual arts festival.  I have some more thoughts on grief I’ll post next week.

Blessings to you all and in the words of poet Jack Gilbert, “risk delight” this weekend!

-Christine Valters Paintner

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A sketch of a heron in the water by Melinda Thomas

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4 Responses

  1. Thank you for the wonderful anniversary wishes. It was a good day, I was tired and feeling sad, but it was good to be held in that space by my beloved and celebrate our commitment to each other.

    Happy anniversary to you Trish! And I know Ron from The Weary Pilgrim celebrated 30 years yesterday, how funny that we have a trilogy of anniversaries like that after I just mentioned you both.

  2. Christine! I LOVED checking out your online blog friends! What wonderful folks! (And thanks for the plug.)

    Happy, happy anniversary to you, dear one! May this coming year unfold within it mystery, deeper love, greater compassion, and holy longings within your marriage.

    In that same vein, today is my anniversary! Seven years!

    Love and deep bows,