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Easter Season E-Course Registration Reminder

Register for the Easter Season E-Course by the end of today – April 1st – and receive an early registration free bonus copy of What is Blossoming Within You? and your books will mail out tomorrow.

If you order between April 2-11 your books will ship on Monday, April 12th.  Hope you will join the fun!

Elements E-Course Banner (general banner)


Easter Season Five-Week E-Course

Practice Resurrection •  Pray with the Elements

April 18-May 23, 2010

Forest and field, sun and wind and sky, earth and water, all speak the same silent language, reminding the monk that he is here to develop like the things that grow all around him.

-Thomas Merton

Make a commitment during the season of Easter to nurture contemplative encounters with creation. During the season of Lent we often take on a practice as a part of the journey.  Consider making a similar commitment for Easter and practice resurrection through an engagement with the elements of water, wind, earth, and fire.

Make this Easter season a time of retreat in everyday life!

**Stop by the class webpage to read more details and to register**

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