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Writing In Season

Registration Fee: $100 USD

Program Description

This is a series of four online writing retreats that were previously recorded and are now being offered together in one self-study series. Each session is about two and a half hours long. We explore writing in alignment with the seasons. The equinoxes, solstices, and Celtic cross-quarter days are all threshold moments and portals to a new season of life. Your are invited to listen to the new invitations being offered by the earth’s turning.

In this retreat you will engage in both free writing and poetry writing and all are welcome regardless of level of experience. Christine will guide you through different intuitive exercises to help you access writing as a process of discovery and honoring of your inner wisdom. In this way you can approach our writing practice in an organic way, not “forcing or holding back” as the poet Rilke once wrote but allowing what wants to emerge in the moment. She will share many examples of poems that explore seasonal themes as inspiration for your own writing. Along the way you will discover how your intuition and dreams might reveal a new way into creative practice that has less to do with goal-setting and visioning and more about allowing the unfolding within you and receiving the gifts that arrive.

This is a generative workshop, we are not here to edit our work, but to show up for the Creative Source when we slow down and listen to what is erupting in the silence. You will be invited to set aside your planning mind and enter into the playfulness of the creative heart, letting your writing guide you on a journey of discovery.

In addition to the writing exercises Christine will guide you in the contemplative practice of lectio divina, silence, reading of poems, song, gentle movement invitations to shift your energy and focus.  These contemplative and creative practices help to stir the soul’s imagery and open you to be surprised by the holy movements within.

What's Included

Four, pre-recorded videos each about 2 and a half hours long. You have immediate, lifetime access to each session and can move the material at your own pace.

Writing Into Bloom

Originally offered on May 1st and the Celtic feast of Bealtaine, celebrate the fertility of spring. It is also a feast day of Mary and begins a month dedicated to her. Christine guides you through different exercises to help you access writing as a process of discovery and blooming. This organic unfolding is a practice of honoring the path of the sacred feminine. Along the way you will discover what wants to flower forth within you.

Writing Summer’s Abundance

Explore the abundant gifts of summer. Summer is a time of lingering, dreaming, and yielding to the mystery of things. It is a time to bloom and enjoy the growth around you. It is a season of long days filled with light and warmth renewing us with freshness and vibrant colors. This beautiful time is an essential part of the creative process and you will explore what summer is inviting you to consider more deeply.

Writing Into Autumn

Embrace the autumn equinox when light and dark come into balance around the world. Autumn is also a time of harvesting the bounty of summer and releasing into autumn’s call to slow down, turn inward, and embrace the slowly growing darkness.

Writing Into Winter

Explore the gifts of winter and the descent into darkness. Winter is a time of hibernating, dreaming, incubating, and yielding to the mystery of things. It is a time to slow down and trust in the seeds deep beneath the surface. It is a season of profound rest so you can be renewed for what is to come. This fallow time is an essential part of the creative process, and you will explore what winter is inviting you to consider more deeply.


The sessions are available in video or audio and can be played at any time, so you are welcome to dip in and out of these as the year unfolds. It is worthwhile to return to these videos year after year, as your responses to the prompts will shift with each season of your life.

Each session is available with the option to watch with closed captions. A written transcript and PDF of the slide presentation are available for download.

If you previously registered for one or more of these retreats individually and would like to participate in the whole series at a discount, please get in touch by email.

Your Guide for the Journey

Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE

Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE is the online Abbess and director of, a virtual monastery exploring contemplative practice, creative expression, and ways to nourish an earth-cherishing consciousness. She is a spiritual director, teacher, pilgrimage guide, Benedictine oblate, and author of numerous books on spirituality and the arts. Her deepest belief is that the earth is the original monastery–a wisdom guide and mentor in living a soulful and vibrant life. Visit the “About Christine” page for more information.

Praise for the Course

It's Easter Monday and I am sad to see the end of this Creative Flourishing retreat, but oh so grateful for the multi-layered experience. I made the decision to take this journey at the last minute, but with great conviction it would deepen my Christian life. I had no idea what it would be like. It was like nothing I have experienced before. Thank you to Christine for originating the idea and doing such a thoughtful and tender job of guiding us through this journey. My deepest joy was to reconnect with the artist within me. The art literally flowed from me. Like living water. A well-spring fed by Christ himself.
Laurie Wagner
I'll be stepping into the season of Easter and spring with more ease, joy and awake from having prayed with, reflected on, moved with and daily witnessing of the mandalas during the past five and one half weeks. Thank you Christine for your vision, knowledge, design and guidance throughout this Lenten season; Hildegard of Bingen is now a living Saint for me. Betsey, i've become more embodied, through participating in your interpretations of Hildegard in dance and chant. This spiritual community has filled my heart with divine blessings. I will pass these blessings on.
Beatrice Randall
I'm so grateful for this retreat. It has been the most amazing experience of learning and growth, spiritually, artistically, and emotionally. Most of which I was not expecting when I signed up. Christine, I want to thank you again for this amazing Lent retreat. It was a joy, honor and privilege to attend. This has been an experience I won't soon forget. I've learned so much about myself and this process of healing through artistic expression. I look forward to doing more with you
Tamara Mapp
Thank you, Christine, for the best retreat I've ever experienced. I'm hooked on Hildegard! She will ever be part of my spirituality as she has added both depth and richness to my faith.
Evelyn Jackson
Sincere and grateful thanks for this marvelous retreat. Your guidance and song will live in my heart. Hildegard's presence has been a source of light and love. Your ministry is much appreciated. We are greener!
Mary Mason
This has been a very rich retreat. I have loved creating, singing, breathing, moving, reading and praying with you. Thank you.
Judith Bryan
My heart is so full. This has been the best retreat in my life.
Louise Thigpen


Your registration constitutes an agreement with our online program Terms and Conditions below.

If you previously registered for one or more of these retreats individually and would like to participate in the whole series at a discount, please get in touch by email.

All prices displayed in USD.


Registration Fee

If you need a different payment plan or a scholarship to make this program accessible, please get in touch with us.

Terms and Conditions

Please consider your purchase carefully and review the many free materials we have on our website to make sure the program will be a good fit or get in touch with any questions.

We ask that you honor our work by not sharing the program materials with others who are not enrolled.

Please contact us for permission to quote in settings beyond the program

Some self-study retreats include video or audio recordings of sessions that were recorded in a live community offering of the retreat and may make reference to forums or other modes of sharing. Please disregard these as self-study retreats do not have these available.

Your registration implies consent to be added to our weekly email newsletter. You are free to unsubscribe or change frequency at any time. We never sell your personal information.

If you choose a payment plan and stop payment before fulfilling the commitment without contacting us to make other arrangements, your access to the program will be removed.