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Awakening the Creative Spirit

Time for another invitation to come join me and my delightful teaching partner Betsey Beckman in November for a week of integrating creative expression and spiritual practice.  We already have several brave and beautiful souls signed up and there are just a handful of spots left, so won’t you come and play? 

Awakening the Creative Spirit:

Experiential Education for Spiritual Directors in the Arts & Imagination

with Betsey Beckman, MM and Christine Valters Paintner, PhD

November 11-17, 2007
St. Andrews Retreat Center
Union (Hood Canal), WA

A week-long experiential intensive exploring tools for integrating the arts and imagination into spiritual direction ministry.  No previous art experience necessary!

Our encounters with the holy are rooted in symbol and speak the language of dreams. Spiritual direction tends to these encounters and can be richly enhanced by tools that invite listening to and engaging the inner symbolic life.  

The intention of Awakening the Creative Spirit is for participants to develop skills and comfort in working with the arts and imagination to deepen the work of spiritual direction. During the course of this residential week, our head, hands and hearts will grow in familiarity with the journey of creativity as a pilgrimage to the divine.  Besides immersion in the arts, the program includes didactic input and discussion as well as practice applying the arts in spiritual direction settings. 

Also appropriate for counselors, chaplains, and teachers who want to integrate the arts in group or individual applications or for those who want to explore creativity in a sacred context for their own personal growth.

Cost is $1350 which includes room, meals, teaching, all art supplies, and handouts.

For more information & details, visit:

Let me know if you have any questions about the program or if you need some encouragement!  If you are longing for a time of retreat in the beautiful Northwest engaging the arts, creativity, and spirituality please join us!

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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3 Responses

  1. It will be indeed Lu! :-)

    So glad you’re coming Suz, have you convinced your friend yet? I know there are at least a couple of others who read here who will be coming like Pam and Jenny.