The Wisdom of the Body: Contemplative Practices for Deep Listening
with Christine Valters Paintner
Saturday, October 22, 2022
5-8pm Ireland
12-3pm Eastern
9am-12pm Pacific
Hosted by Spirituality & Practice

Program Description
Buddhist teacher Reginald Ray describes the body as “the last unexplored wilderness.” For the desert monks of the Christian tradition, the wilderness is the place where we can have a radical and intimate encounter with the divine.
In this experiential retreat we will ask the question of what does it mean to take the incarnation seriously? To live as if our flesh is holy? St. Hildegard of Bingen, the 12th century Benedictine Abbess believed there was a greening life force, very similar to the eastern concepts of chi or prana, which animates us and brings us fully alive. To tend to the greening of our body and soul is an act of devotion.
We will explore a variety of ancient practices like breath prayer, allowing our senses to become doorways to the holy, living in alignment with the slow rhythms of nature, and sacred movement to drop in and listen for how our bodies long to move and express themselves.
These contemplative ways of deep listening help us to come into a loving relationship with our bodies and find the pulse of the divine presence in our blood and bone. Our retreat time will unfold through teaching, meditation, creative exploration, and small and large group sharing. The practices offered are rooted in the Christian contemplative tradition but everyone is welcome.
Join us for a holy pause to dip into the well of refreshment and find in that stillness, a renewed appreciation for the wisdom our bodies offer to us.
Your Guide for the Journey

Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE
Christine Valters Paintner earned her PhD in Christian Spirituality from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley and her status as a Registered Expressive Arts Consultant and Educator from the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association. She founded Abbey of the Arts in 2006, a virtual monastery and global community which integrates contemplative practice and creative expression. The Abbey offers a variety of online programs and retreats as well as prayer resources.
Christine is the author of 18 numerous books on spirituality including her most recent Birthing the Holy: Wisdom from Mary to Nurture Creativity and Renewal. She lives in the west of Ireland with her husband John and dog Sourney. Find out more about her here.
This retreat is hosted by Spirituality & Practice. Please contact them with registration questions.
Terms and Conditions
Please consider your purchase carefully and review the many free materials we have on our website to make sure the program will be a good fit or get in touch with any questions.
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