Tea with the Abbess
with Christine Valters Paintner
Thursday, September 28, 2023
4-4:5pm Ireland
11-11:45am Eastern
8-8:45am Pacific

Program Description
Join Christine Valters Paintner for a free informal gathering online where we will begin with some centering and meditation, then we will look at the upcoming programs and resources for the month, followed by time for sharing, questions, and suggestions. (Please bring your own beverage of choice!)
There is no charge for this event. You can register to receive the Zoom link below.
We will turn on closed captioning during the live Zoom session (which you are able to turn off in your settings if you find distracting) as well as provide a video recording after the event with closed captioning available and a text transcript of the session.
The program will be recorded for those who pre-register but are unable to attend at the scheduled time or who want to view again. You will be sent a notification when this is ready to view.
You have lifetime access to all online programs.
Your Guide for the Journey

Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE
Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE is the online Abbess for Abbey of the Arts, a virtual monastery and global community integrating contemplative practice and creative expression. Her programs draw on the wisdom of the desert, Celtic, and Benedictine spiritual traditions as well as the joy of the expressive arts, embodied practice, and Earth-cherishing wisdom. Christine is the author of numerous books on spirituality and creativity, including three collections of poetry. She lives on the west coast of Ireland with her husband John and dog Sourney. Find out more about her here.
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Please be careful to enter your correct email address when you register.
Terms and Conditions
Please contact us for permission to quote in settings beyond the program