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Free Gift for Pre-Ordering *The Soul’s Slow Ripening*

If you pre-order your copy of my newest book The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred (click the link for ways to order) and then email your receipt to my wonderful assistant Melinda she will send you a link to a free online mini-retreat which includes a song that has not yet been published, as well as invitations to contemplative practice and creative expression. If you want to share anything that came up for you in this retreat experience you can do so either in our Facebook group at Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks or if you are not on Facebook

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Summer Self-Study Sale (Buy 2 get 1 free)

We are having a special offer on our self-study online retreats. Register for two retreats from our list of 14 options and forward the receipts for both to Melinda at and choose a retreat that is lesser in value than each of the first two and you receive it for free! You can be enrolled immediately or start at a later date, just let her know. Offer expires June 24th!      

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New poems published and more!

I am delighted that my poem “Cosmos” above appears in the newest issue of Tiferet Journal (I have permission to include it here but worth subscribing for the whole thing.) My poem “St. Dearbhla’s Eyes” is out in the newest issue of Stinging Fly (a literary journal in Ireland) My poem “St. Kevin Holds Open His Hand” will be in the next issue of Skylight 47 being launched next Thursday at Over the Edge here in Galway City! My poem “God Among the Pots and Pans (after St. Teresa of Avila)” is in the newest issue of Presence: A Journal of Catholic

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Updates on 2019 Retreats & Pilgrimages – Join Us!

We are currently registering for four retreats and pilgrimages in Ireland next spring 2019. Please note: From June 2019-June 2020 the Abbey will be taking some sabbatical time and no live programs will be offered then. After the dates above, the next live programs will be scheduled in fall 2020. Due to fewer programs being on offer the ones currently available are starting to fill even more quickly than usual. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in joining us! Happy to answer any questions. March 26-April 3, 2019 Soul’s Slow Ripening – Monastic Wisdom for Discernment (Ireland)

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Please read carefully to continue receiving Abbey soul nourishment to your inbox.

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Button_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Dearest Monks, Artists, and Pilgrims, This email was sent to our newsletter list, but in case yours got caught in the spam filter here are the details to stay on our mailing list. You may be aware that on May 25th 2018, new Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are coming into force in the EU. This means that we need to ask everyone on our email list (whether living in the EU or not) to opt in again to receive our communications. If you would like to receive regular soul nourishment from Abbey of the Arts along with updates about our

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Welcome Home Sourney!

Each year for the past four years we have fostered a dog from one of the local shelters during our quiet season. Each year, when the time came to pass the dog we had grown so much affection for to their forever home, it was always with a mix of sadness and joy. I am grateful to all those families who keep in touch with photos of the life those dogs are loving. Chime arrived to us just after Imbolc, the first awakening of spring. We quickly realized the name didn’t work for her and started calling her Sourney after

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Simon Ruth de Voil

We are thrilled and delighted to be releasing a brand new compilation of songs, curated from some wonderful musicians we know and love. These are songs for Celtic seekers as they are inspired by the tradition of pilgrimage in Ireland and accompany Christine’s newest book which will be released in September 2018 from Ave Maria Press – The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seekers of the Sacred. For six weeks we will be featuring the musicians from this album who so generously agreed to share their beautiful music with our community for this project. Next up is Simon

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