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Category: Prayer Cycle


Pray with Us! (Prayer Cycle Daily) – Birthing the Holy

We now have four weeks of morning and evening prayer for you in audio podcast form (the video podcasts for Birthing the Holy and The Soul of a Pilgrim will be coming later in 2023). We invite you to pray in community with us. Each week will rotate through the four prayer cycles and we will provide the link to the featured one. If you subscribe to our daily emails, the links for each day’s prayer will be contained in those.  This week we will pray with Birthing the Holy Prayer Cycle. We being today with Day 1: Queen of

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Pray with Us! (Prayer Cycle Daily) – Monk in the World

We now have four weeks of morning and evening prayer for you in audio podcast form (the video podcasts for Birthing the Holy and The Soul of a Pilgrim will be coming later in 2023). We invite you to pray in community with us. Each week will rotate through the four prayer cycles and we will provide the link to the featured one. If you subscribe to our daily emails, the links for each day’s prayer will be contained in those.  This week will pray with Monk in the World Prayer Cycle. We being today with Day 1 Silence and

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Coming Home + Prayer Cycle Day 7

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims, In November and December, we have been releasing our brand new 7-day prayer cycle of morning and evening prayers on the theme of The Soul of a Pilgrim. The audio podcasts for Day 7 morning and evening prayer (the final day!) are being released today on the theme of Coming Home. This is one of the many free resources we offer to our community to help support your contemplative practice and prayer. (If you are able to support this work financially in any way, we gratefully accept contributions at this link.)  This reflection on the practice of coming

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Thomas Merton + Prayer Cycle Day 5 ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims, In November and December, we are releasing our brand new 7-day prayer cycle of morning and evening prayers on the theme of Soul of a Pilgrim. The audio podcasts for Day 5 morning and evening prayer are being released today on the theme of Being Uncomfortable and Embracing Mystery! This is one of the many free resources we offer to our community to help support your contemplative practice and prayer. (If you are able to support this work financially in any way, we gratefully accept contributions at this link.)  We continue our pilgrimage through the mystics next

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Mary, Keeper of Thresholds + Prayer Cycle Day 3 ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims, In November and December we are releasing our brand new 7-day prayer cycle of morning and evening prayers on the theme of Soul of a Pilgrim. The audio podcasts for Day 3 morning and evening prayer are being released today on the theme of Crossing the Threshold! This is one of the many free resources we offer to our community to help support your contemplative practice and prayer. (If you are able to support this work financially in any way, we gratefully accept contributions at this link.)  A week from today we begin the sacred season of

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The Soul of a Pilgrim Prayer Cycle – Day 1 ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims, Simon and I are in the midst of our Virtual Celtic Pilgrimage for Samhain and are delighted to also be sharing with you a brand new 7-day prayer cycle of morning and evening prayers on the theme of The Soul of a Pilgrim. The first two audio podcasts for Day 1 morning and evening prayer are being released today on the theme of Hearing the Call and Responding! The podcasts for each day will be released week by week through November and December. This is one of the many free resources we offer to our community to help support

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Canticle of Creation Spanish-Language Version

We are so delighted to share this new Spanish-language song version of Canticle of Creation. We originally commissioned Simon de Voil to create this song for us and our Earth Monastery album and prayer cycle.  The song was discovered by Yoga Master Teacher Andrei Ram in Barcelona, Spain who loved the song so much he plays it at the start of most of his classes. Andrei then commissioned Eva Donat Veiga and her partner Nono to create a translation and recording of the song which they sent on to Simon to share. (You can be in touch with Eva here).  You are invited to listen to the song again below.

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