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Category: Featured Poet Series


Abbey of the Arts Featured Poet: Nita Penfold

We are launching a new series this spring with poets whose work we love and want to feature! Our next poet is Nita Penfold whose work is currently themed around harvest. You can hear Nita reading her poem “Think of a Time When” below and read more about the connections she makes between poetry and the sacred. Think of a Time When you were truly yourself, that age before the mask was pulled tight before the roles were welded like armor to your skin. Remember the one thing you loved above all else, that, given perfect freedom, you could be

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Abbey of the Arts Featured Poet: Kenneth Steven

We are launching a new series this spring with poets whose work we love and want to feature! Our first poet is Kenneth Steven whose work is deeply inspired by the island of Iona. You can hear Kenneth reading his poem “Iona” below and read more about the connections he makes between poetry and the sacred. The Strangest Gift Sister Mary Teresa gave me a wasps’ nest from the convent garden – just the startings, the first leaves, a cocoon of whisperings – made out of thousands of buzzings. To think that these yellow-black thugs could make such finery, such

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