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Category: Abbess love notes


Soul of a Pilgrim Video Prayer Cycle Day 1 ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

A Blessing for Our Yes to the Journey*Holy Traveller, bless our sacred yes to the call you have whispered to us,whether a call to new adventure or the call that arises out of loss,we know you journey with us, guiding us on the way of imagination to new paths. May we travel with intention, being conscious of encountering you in each step,in each stranger, in each moment of disorientation. We ask you to bless our feet, that they carry us forward in this season to new possibilities. Bless our hands, that they might help us give form to our creative

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Abbey of the Arts Celebrates 18 Years!

Today we celebrate 18 years since Abbey of the Arts was created. In its first year it was a blog called The Sacred Art of Living where I was retraining myself to write for a broader audience after my highly academic training. A few months in and I realized what I was writing my way toward was a virtual monastery.  In those first few years I was teaching theology at Seattle University and also served as Program Coordinator for the Ignatian Spirituality Center in Seattle, and while I did love that work, my heart was longing for something different. I

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Blessing of the Elements ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Blessing of the Elements*Wild Elemental One,bless us through your gifts of wind, fire, water, and earth. May we awaken to new life each dawnand feel your holy breath sustaining us.Let the breezes whisper their secrets and the winds strip away what is no longer needed. May we bless the sky with our reaching,the clouds a witness to our becoming. May we feel the living flame of loveburning in our hearts.Let the sun warm and illumine usand may the ash that remainsfrom the fire bring us new clarity. May we bless the fire with our passionletting all that sparks and blazes

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St Patrick and Answering the Call ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

A Blessing for Coming Home*Godde of Homecomings,our lives are a pilgrimage journeyseeking the discovery of home in the world. We travel, not in straight lines, but in circles and spirals, revisiting old patternsand ways of being that need healing,trusting in life’s unfinished nature, but also our deep desires of the heart calling usto re-orient ourselves again and again. Magnify our visionso that each journey we make leads to expanded growth and wisdom.Help us to continue to dive into the refreshing river of life,allowing the current to carry us closer to you. Carve out in us a space for both grief

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St Colman, Solitude, and Pilgrimage ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Pilgrimage Blessing*Journeying One,you help us to navigate the path, placing one foot in front of the other, even when the way ahead is not visible. We set aside our desire for maps, GPS, and guidebooksand surrender to an inner knowing and directionsparked by the deepest longings of our hearts. We know the desire for new life we feel has been kindled by you.May we surrender our need to steer the courseand let every step we take carry us into greater intimacy with you.Help us to see others as fellow pilgrims on the waywith their own fears and struggles.Compel us to

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Tending Your Wild Heart ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest monks and artists, We are delighted to welcome back our dear friend Lindsay Sudeikis who will lead us in a mini-retreat on Animist Christianity: Tending Your Wild Heart with Our Beloved Plant Kin this Friday, April 12th. Read on for Lindsay’s introduction to connecting with our plant kin.  Our plant kin! My gut, discerned sense is Jesus and Mary of Nazareth communed consciously and relationally with our plant kin. As they were living 2,000 years ago at a time when folks were more relational with the greens they cooked with, herbs they bathed with, and plants they healed themselves and others with.

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Practicing Resurrection through the Wisdom of Our Wounds ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Easter Blessing* God of rising, you bring new life to all the places death inhabits. Bless our own dying dreams with your greening breath, make our dry bones dance, inspire us to sing, revive our bodies so we might become more vibrant, hopeful witnesses to the life’s persistence. We call on Christ’s wisdom to bless and sustain us in the practice of resurrection, of honoring our bodies and being agents of generous abundance. May all the nets we draw up from the water be overflowing with fish, may our wounds still visible be a sign of healing grace, and may

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