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Monk in the World Guest Post: Lori Kellogg

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Lori’s reflection and view her paintings of the archetypes.

I am training to become a Creatively Fit Coach, and one of the courses is a meditation and painting course entitled Super Soul Flow. Over the last several weeks, I have alternatively participated in a guided meditation and then painted whatever I receive during the meditations. When I received the last one, I suddenly remembered the retreat on the archetypes that Christine led, and realized that I had received the same ones!  It turns out I received images of my archetypes the Warrior, Sage, Healer, and Visionary.   I believe these archetypes have been revealing themselves to me in glimpses and snippets all my life.  I feel so honored that they finally showed me their faces and told me their names.  Their names are Crystabella (Warrior), Terra Sophia (Sage), Little Lori (Visionary), and Seraphina (Healer).

Lori Kellogg calls herself an Expressive and Intuitive Artist. To her, painting is a container for emotions, a medium for prayer and meditation, and a channel for therapeutic healing. She usually does not have a plan as to what she wants to create before she starts painting but allows the work to become.  Lori does not create art as a product to sell, but instead concentrates on the process and healing power of the act of creation.  Lori has no formal art training, her process was developed through her own intuition and trial and error.  Lori is training to be a Certified Creatively Fit Coach and will soon teach workshops and classes on how to tune in to your own creativity.   Lori has been a special education teacher and a social worker in her previous careers.  She serves on the leadership team of her church, LifePath Church, in Newark, Delaware, USA, and teaches a class that she calls Embodied Spirituality that includes guided meditation, imaginative prayer, movement, music, art, and creative writing. To learn more about Lori and her artwork visit her online at Crystabella Studio, on Facebook at Crystabella Studio with Lori Kellogg Expressive and Intuitive Artist or on Instagram @LoriKellArt.  

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