I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to our Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Arlene Davies-Fuhr’s reflection and poem “Some Days.”
My poem, “Some Days” was recently composed during Forest Church. The surroundings reached out to me and asked me to ponder what type of day I was having. A Robin one? Or a bug under the stone experience? I felt called to embrace it all, no matter what, because the variety in life is stunningly beautiful. And I know my Creator and Sustainer is ever-present with me.
Some Days Some days I am soft, green grass co-existing with dandelions and clover. Other days, I am rock. Tough and flinty. Formed by aeons of skin and bone. Blood and preferences of ancestors course through me as I move and meditate and observe the clouds. Some days, I am robin flying free or wildly bathing. Singing joyously for all to hear. Other days, I am bug beneath the stone revelling in the dark and coolness alone and happy. Sun or shade, excitement or frustration, I embrace it all. Thank you Loving, Supportive Creator, for life’s diversity and balance. What a privilege to breathe, walk, and write today.

Arlene Davies-Fuhr is a contemplative who appreciates time in nature during Forest Church and also practices daily mindful meditation. She is part of a United Church congregation in Guelph , Ontario and she has produced a book of contemporary prayer-poems loosely based on thirty psalms. As well as reading and gardening, Arlene loves playing the djembe, the dulcimer and the ukulele.