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Blessing Our Lives ~ A Guest Post at New Eden Ministry

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims,

I am delighted to offer this excerpt from my guest post at New Eden Ministry titled “Blessing Our Lives.”

Blessings can be like warm bread for the hungry, a cold drink for those who thirst. They can offer hope and encouragement, steep us in gratitude, nurture our courage. Blessings bring us present to the grace of each moment. The word comes from the Latin, benedicere, which means to speak well of. Blessings help to remind us of the love and beauty of the Holy One in our lives and assist us to take nothing for granted. They act as maps to navigate our human experience, orienting us back to gratefulness and praise.

Read the rest of the article and the Blessing of the Elements.


Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE

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