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Celtic Spirituality Reflection and Interview

Christine Valters Paintner recently wrote a reflection for A New Eden Ministry on Celtic spirituality and the Incarnation.

“When we awaken to the holy shimmering in each flower, tree, and bird, we suddenly discover that we are woven into a vast community. We find ourselves nourished and supported in ways we didn’t see before. We are called to hold this deepening awareness and trust that we are sustained and called forth by the choirs of creation.

During this Advent season of holy birthing, the Celtic tradition can remind us of the full meaning of the incarnation. Every created thing reveals the divine nature to us. Christ is being born all around us. As we journey toward the feast of Christmas, we might take time to walk our own landscape with eyes open to the wonder of God made visible in the world around us. In a time of worsening climate crisis, the Celtic vision of creation is one that asks us to fall more deeply in love with the world around us.”

In addition she was interviewed on Spirit Mornings Catholic Radio about her book The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred.

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