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Becoming a Holistic Artist: Embracing Body and Soul in the Creative Process ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dear monks, artists and pilgrims,

I was commissioned to write the article Becoming a Holistic Artist: Embracing Body and Soul in the Creative Process by Azusa Pacific University. Read the excerpt below then click the link for the full arcticle.

The Monk and Artist Archetypes

I have spent most of my professional career exploring the connections between two archetypes – the monk and the artist. Archetypes are universal patterns of energy found across cultures. Each of us has an inner monk and artist and we are invited to cultivate those aspects of ourselves. The monk is the part of ourselves that seeks connection with the divine in each moment of time, through the objects of daily life, and through encounters with other people. The artist is the part of ourselves that seeks to give expression to an inner set of images in an outward form. That form might be words, paint, film, movement, or other artistic medium. The monk and artist support and nourish one another.

You can read the rest of the article here >>

With great and growing love,


Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE

Photo © Christine Valters Paintner


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